[SAMSUNG] Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Phones – Supported Devices list

Gaming Laptop Series

LineageOS 15.1 is available for many Samsung phones, in fact for many Android devices as of now. This post exclusively covers LineageOS 15.1 for available Samsung Phones, both OFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 and UNOFFICIAL list of supported or available devices. Recently we have also covered the OFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 rolling out for many devices, but the list is very small.

LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Phones
LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Phones

This page is dedicated to maintain the available LineageOS 15.1 download for all Samsung phones and tablets ONLY. There will be two such lists updated (as below) containing UNOFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 and OFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 Downloads list for available Samsung phones.

Well, the OFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung has a very minimal list because of stringent guidelines of LineageOS team to support LineageOS 15.1 and expected to grow slowly. Just stay tuned to this post if you want the latest LineageOS 15.1 ROM for your Samsung phone.

If you won’t find your device for LineageOS 15.1 support then you can scan through the following custom ROM lists for an available update.

Alternative Android Pie or Android Oreo or Nougat custom ROMs for your Samsung phone:

What if your device does not have the LineageOS 15.1 Oreo ROM in the OFFICIAL or UNOFFICIAL list? Well, it is possible that no developer has built the LineageaOS 15.1 for your Samsung phone or it’s just missing from our list. You can search for other Android Oreo or Nougat based ROMs list to find an Android update for your device.

Android Oreo ROMs list for Samsung Phone:

LineageOS 16 for Samsung supported devices
AICP 13.1 Oreo Downloads for Samsung Phones
AOSP Oreo Downloads for Samsung Phones
crDroid Oreo Downloads for Samsung Phones

Android Nougat ROMs list for Samsung Phones:

LineageOS 14.1 Nougat Downloads for Samsung Phones
AICP 12.1 Nougat Downloads for Samsung Phones
Resurrection Remix Nougat Downloads for Samsung Phones
Official CM14.1 Downloads for Samsung Phones [ABANDONED]
Unofficial CM14.1 Downloads for Samsung Phones [ABANDONED]

Add-on links required after flashing LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung phone or Tab:

As always the LineageOS 15.1 ROM does not come with pre-installed GApps because of Copyright issue and now LineageOS team has removed the inbuilt SupreSu binary from the ROM. So, you need an extra LineageOS 15.1 GApps and LineageOS SU binary to be flashed after the LineageOS 15.1 ROM flashing to get Google Apps and ROOT access respectively. Follow the below links to get it done:
Android Oreo GApps Download for Samsung LineageOS 15.1 ROMs
How to ROOT on LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung phone

In addition, almost all of the Android phones come with bootloader unlocked and a stock Android recovery. So, you may need the following too:
How to unlock botloader on an Android Phone
TWRP recovery download link for your Android Phone

List of Available LineageOS 15.1 for all Samsung Phones and Tabs (Arranged Alphabetically):

Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy A Series

Samsung Galaxy A5 2015LineageOS 15 for Galaxy A5 2015
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy A5 2017


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy C Series

Samsung Galaxy C9 ProLineageOS 15 for Galaxy C9 Pro
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro CHINALineageOS 15 for Galaxy C9 Pro CHINA


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy J Series

Samsung Galaxy J5LineageOS 15 for Galaxy J5
Samsung Galaxy J7 2016 ExynosLineageOS 15 for Galaxy J7 2016 Exynos
Samsung Galaxy J7 2017LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy J7 2017
Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime (on7xelte)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy J7 Prime
Samsung Galaxy J7 SprintLineageOS 15 for Galaxy J7 Sprint


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy NOTE Series

Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10.1 LTELineageOS 15 for Galaxy NOTE 10.1 LTE
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3LineageOS 15 for Galaxy NOTE 3
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 3
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 3GLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 3 3G
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 ChinaLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 3 China
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 KoreaLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 3 Korea
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 T-MobileLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 3 T-Mobile
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 4 Qualcomm (trlte)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 4
Samsung Galaxy NOTE 4 DUOS (trlteduos)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy NOTE 4 DUOS
Samsung Galaxy NOTE EdgeLineageOS 15 for Galaxy NOTE Edge
Samsung Galaxy NOTE Pro 12.2 LTELineageOS 15 for Galaxy NOTE Pro 12.2 LTE


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy On Series

Samsung Galaxy On 5LineageOS 15 for Galaxy On 5


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy S Series

Samsung Galaxy S2LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S2
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S3
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini (golden, i8190)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S3 Mini
Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo (i9300i, i9301)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S3 Neo
Samsung Galaxy S4 ActiveLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S4 Active
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE (i9505)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S4 LTE
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S4 LTE
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE-A (i9506)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S4 LTE Advanced
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (serrano3gxx, serranoltexx, serranodsdd, serranovelte)LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S4 Mini
Samsung Galaxy S5 (klte)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S5
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S5
Samsung Galaxy S5 MiniLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S5 Mini
Samsung Galaxy S5 NeoLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S5 Neo
Samsung Galaxy S5 Sport SPRINTLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S5 Sport Sprint
Samsung Galaxy S6LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S6
Samsung Galaxy S6 CanadaLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S6 Canadian
Samsung Galaxy S6 SK TelecomLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S6 SK Telecom
Samsung Galaxy S6 SPRINTLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S6 SPRINT
Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy S7
Samsung Galaxy S7 DuosLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S7 Duos
Samsung Galaxy S7 EdgeLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S7 Edge
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge DUOSLineageOS 15 for Galaxy S7 Edge Dual sim
Samsung Galaxy S8LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S8
Samsung Galaxy S9 ExynosLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S9 Exynos
Samsung Galaxy S9+ ExynosLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy S9+ Exynos


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Galaxy Tab Series

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 WiFiLineageOS 15 for Galaxy Tab S 10.5 WiFi
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 WiFi 2016 (gts28vewifi)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 WiFi 2016
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 WiFi 2016
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 WiFi 2016 (gts210vewifi)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 WiFi 2016
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 WiFi 2016


Download LineageOS 15.1 for Other Samsung Galaxy Phones

Samsung Galaxy Alpha Qualcomm VariantLineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy Alpha
Samsung Galaxy Core PrimeLineageOS 15 for Galaxy Core prime
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy Core prime
Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (fortuna3g)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy Grand Prime
LineageOS 15.1 for Galaxy Grand Prime
Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus (kyleproxx)LineageOS 15 for Galaxy Trend Plus


LineageOS 15.1 is not available for all of the Samsung phones and out of the available builds, we may not have added all of the Samsung phones in the list. If you find your device missing, then just login and place a request for your device. I will try to search and bring it for you.

7 thoughts on “[SAMSUNG] Download LineageOS 15.1 for Samsung Phones – Supported Devices list”

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