How to install Peek gif tool in Ubuntu?

Peek is a GUI-based gif recorder that makes it easy to define an area on your screen and create a short animated gif. It is used for showing UI features of an application or reporting a bug.

Peek has a simple and easy-to-use interface you just need to place the Peek window over the area that you want to record and click on the Record button to start the recording once done click on Stop. It is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM or MP4 if you prefer.

In this article, I will discuss how to install and use the Peek gif tool in Ubuntu.


To follow this guide you need to have the following –

  • A system running a recent version of Ubuntu
  • Access to a user account with sudo privilege

How to install Peek in Ubuntu

Peek is included in the official repository of Ubuntu so you can directly install it by using the apt command on your system.

Before your run command to install Peek on your system make sure to update the apt package index by using the given command –

sudo apt update

Next, use the following command to install Peek on your system.

sudo apt install peek

Type y and then press enter if it asks for your confirmation.

Once the installation is completed you can verify it by using the given command –

peek --version

check peek version

How to use Peek in Ubuntu

You can launch Peek gif recorder from the Ubuntu application launcher by searching peek in the search bar. When its icon appears as given in the image below click on it to open.

launch peek

Suppose I want to use Peek to record my terminal where I will run a few commands and check the list of files inside a specific directory.

First, open your terminal and place the Peek window on the area that you want to record as you can see in the image below.

peek window

Click on Record as GIF and start your activity inside the area under the Peek window once you are done click on Stop. Save this file on your system.

Now you can see the recorded gif by clicking on it.

peek recorded gif

Similarly, you can select other formats and record an area on your screen.

change format


You have successfully installed Peek on your system. Now if you have a query then write us in the comments below.

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