How to install Blender video editor in Ubuntu?

Gaming Laptop Series

Blender is open-source, free, and fully featured video editing software. It can be used for creating animated films, visual effects, 3D printed models, motion graphics, etc.

Blender has the capabilities to edit videos in different formats and is one of the best video editing software available for the Linux platform.

In this article, I will discuss how to install Blender video editing software in Ubuntu.

The features of Blender

The key features of Blender video editor are –

  • Audio mixing, syncing, scrubbing, and waveform visualization.
  • It has tools for 3D modeling.
  • You can use it for simulating the fluids.
  • Live preview, luma waveform, chroma vectorscope, and histogram displays.
  • Up to 32 slots for adding videos, images, audio, scenes, masks, and effects.
  • Speed control, adjustment layers, transitions, keyframes, filters, and more.

How to install Blender in Ubuntu

There are various methods of installing Blender in a Ubuntu system.

Method 1: Installing Blender from Ubuntu Software

To download the Blender from Ubuntu Software first open the Ubuntu Software application from the activities dashboard as given in the image below.

Click on the icon when it appeared.

launch ubuntu software

In Ubuntu Software search for blender and click on the Blender application from the list. As you can it is highlighted in the below image.

search blender

Next click on the Install.

install blender

This may ask you to enter your password, enter it and click on Authenticate.


Based on your internet speed it can take some time in downloading and installation process.

Installing Blender with snap

Another way to install Blender is by downloading the Blender snap package. Use the following command to install Blender using snap.

sudo snap install blender --classic

This will install the latest version of Blender that is available in the snap store.

For any reason, if you want to remove the blender snap package you can remove it by using –

sudo snap remove blender

Method 3: Installing Blender using .tar.xz package

To install Blender using this method first you need to download the blender .tar.xz package from the download page on its official website.

download page

OR use the given command to download the package using your terminal –


Once it gets downloaded use the given command to extract it –

tar -Jxvf blender-2.93.3-linux-x64.tar.xz

Now move to the extracted directory –

cd blender-2.93.3-linux-x64/

Run the given to start blender –


Start the Blender video editor

After the installation of Blender on your system you can launch it from the activity dashboard. Search blender and when an icon appears like given in the image below click on it to launch the application.

search blender

You can see the interface of the Blender which is given in the image below.



You can use any of the above methods to install Blender on your system. Now if you have a query then write us in the comments below.

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