Google Camera for Realme X2 – GCam 8.3 Download

Gaming Laptop Series

Few versions of Google Camera or GCam for Realme X2 is now available to download. Almost every basic features are working on the listed Google Camera ports. This page lists down all the GCam APK download links and will be updated based on the availability of new versions.

Available GCam versions for Realme X2

Below are the available versions of GCam for Realme X2. GCam 8.0 for Realme X2 is the latest version to download.

  • GCam 8.3 (Latest GCam version)
  • GCam 8.1
  • GCam 7.3
  • GCam 6.1

The GCam 8.1 for Realme X2 is now available which has seamless zoom feature and seamless slow motion, audio zoom etc. But in the initial versions, all of the features might not be available or might not be working at all.

The older version of Google camera 6.1 that brings night sight feature and the GCam 7.3 has brought Astrophotography mode on Realme X2. The available GCam ports are compatible on Android Pie and Android 10.

[su_note note_color=”#FBF4DD” text_color=”#A38C68″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]It is possible that the latest GCam 8.1 may not work on Realme X2. If inform me in a comment then probably I will try to find an alternate working GCam port.[/su_note]

GCam for Realme X2

Status of this Realme X2 Google Camera

– Almost everything
– Nothing reported yet


Where to Download GCam for Realme X2?

Visit the Downloads section to get all the compatible GCam mod APK file(s).

[su_note note_color=”#D7E3F4″ text_color=”#728095″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] NOTE: Comment in a reply if this GCam has some issues or not working at all.

How to Install Google Camera on Realme X2?

  1. Download one of the GCam apk from the above download link
  2. To install apps from a third party app other than Play Store you need to enable app install from Unknown Sources on your Android device.For Android Oreo or Pie version, enable Install Unknown Apps from the app from which you are going to install the Google Camera APK.
    For example: if you have downloaded the Google Camera apk file on Google chrome or firefox browser on your phone.
    Or you have downloaded and copied the apk file to the file browser and you want to install it from there.

    Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Open the app (Chrome, Firefox or file manager app etc) > Install unknown apps and enable Allow from this source

    See the below screenshots that enables to install unknown apps on Oreo for Chrome app (you need to enable on the app from where you want to install the apk):
    Enable unknown sources to install app

  3. Once enabled, click on the app to install.
  4. Go to App settings and Clear data.
  5. Start the Google camera app and enjoy ultimate mobile photography on Realme X2.

Some Screenshots of BSG GCam 7.3

[rl_gallery id=”106575″]

New features are keep on coming on the Google Camera app and hence there could be many versions of these ported apps for Realme X2. This page will always have all available working Google Camera for Realme X2 including the new GCam which might come in the future.

SVisit the Realme X2 page for other Google Camera, Custom ROMs and all other device specific topics.

3 thoughts on “Google Camera for Realme X2 – GCam 8.3 Download”

  1. Hey there,
    Thank you so much for sharing gcam 8.1 apk, As it is the latest version i faced problem with slo-mo video recording only which doesn’t work else everything is working smooth amd perfectly. If there is solution for slo-mo video recording than this will be the most compatible gcam port for realme x2.


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