Download GApps for Android 11

Gaming Laptop Series

GApps for Android 11 is needed as none of the custom ROM based on Android 11 will have that included due to copyright reasons. This article lists all available GApps for Android 11 based custom ROMs such as: AOSP Android 11, LineageOS 18 etc.

These Android 11 GApps file comes in a zip file package which can be flashed through a TWRP recovery or any other custom recovery.

Android 11 GApps Download

System-as-root GApps for Android 11

System-as-root which was enforced in Android 10 must be taken care for Android 11 GApps as well! Having said that, most of the Android 10 based GApps scripts are compatible with Android 11! Which means, it should not take much time for the fully compatible Android 11 GApps to be available.

As of now, below are the GApps added in the downloads section are verified to be system-as-root aware and compatible for Android 11 builds.

Android 11 GApps Download

GApps packages are available based on the architecture type such as: ARM64, ARM (32-bit) and x86 etc.

In addition, there are many flavors of the GApps such as: OpenGApps, BiTGApps, ExLiteGapps, FlameGApps, NikGApps, etc. out of which OpenGApps is the most popular one.

There are some other GApps compiled by some individual developers that just gets the work done, like the one listed under Generic GApps download.

Below are the available GApps for Android 11 categorized by GApps creator and Architecture type.

OpenGApps for Android 11 – ARM64:

As of now the official OpenGApps for Android 11 is not available, but there is an unofficial build available.
Below are the available Android 11 compatible OpenGApps builds to download.

[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] (Unofficial) Nano Open GApps for Android 11:

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note] [su_note note_color=”#FBF4DD” text_color=”#A38C68″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]Currently there is only one OpenGApps build available for Android 11 which is an UNOFFICIAL build. An unofficial build simply means that it is not built by the OpenGApps team; instead, an individual developer has modified the older script t.[/su_note]

NikGApps for Android 11 – ARM64:

NikGApps provides wide range of options, survives across OTA updates, frequent updates etc. For Android 11, this is the one that came first and has been updated almost daily.

Brought to you by Nikhil Menhgani! If you like his work, a small contribution is very much appreciated:
Donate to Nikhil (the developer behind NikGApps)

Below are some of the details about the NikGApps:
[table id=280 /] [su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] There is a drop down box to select the desired NiKGApps package to download.

Android 11 NikGApps Updated on: 31st December 2020
In this latest update the Macro NikGApps package has been dropped.

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note]

MindTheGApps for Android 11:

Latest build date: 12th April 2021

MindTheGApps was created and maintained by javelinanddart (a developer from the LineageOS team) typically for LineageOS ROMs.
This one was created by Alessandro Astone (not the original dev) but still the core values remain intact and this might be compatible with LineageOS 18.1.

Below download link provides GApps for both Arm64 and Arm 32-bit architecture. To download the Arm 32-bit variant MindTheGApps, click the dropdown box, select the relevant package and click on download button.

[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] (Unofficial) MindTheGApps for Android 11:

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note]

FlameGApps for Android 11 – ARM64:

FlameGApps provides very minimal and optimized Android 11 GApps package. Designed to be bloat free, battery optimization and optimized CPU usage.

Below are some details about Android 11 FlameGApps:
[table id=281 /]

FlameGApps is created and maintained by ayandebnath. If you like his work, a small contribution is very much appreciated to keep the project going:
Donate to Ayan (the developer behind FlameGApps)

[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] Use the below drop down box to select the desired FlameGApps Android 11 package to download.
ALPHA-4 is the latest build.
Android 11 FlameGApps Updated on: 18th Sep 2020

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note]

BiTGApps for Android 11 – ARM64:

BiTGApps is a very minimal and optimized GApps package built for Android 11. Designed for better battery optimization, always upto date, no Google setup wizard after reboot, built-in SafetyNet patch etc.

BiTGApps is created and maintained by TheHitMan (Kartik Verma). If you like his work, a small contribution is very much appreciated to keep the project going:
Donate to Kartik (TheHitMan) (the developer behind BiTGApps)

[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] There is a drop down box to select the desired BiTGApps Android 11 package to download. R17 is the latest build.
Android 11 BiTGApps Updated on: 23rd Sep 2020

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note]

Generic Android 11 GApps for ARM64:

This a very minimal GApps package that installs the very basic Google Services.
Plus, this is an initial package that was built to support Android 11. You can try this if none other works.

[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””] If none of the above GApps works for you then try this, otherwise, not recommended as no one is supporting this!

[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#167C80″ color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button] [/su_note]

How to Install GApps on Android 11 ROM using TWRP Recovery?

All the GApps for Android 11 are built in a zip file format which is designed to be flashed through TWRP recovery or any custom recovery. So, you need to have a custom recovery to be able to install GApps on any Android 11 ROM.

[su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]This GApps is only for Android 11 based custom ROMs. Installing this GApps on any other Android custom ROM may result in bootloop.[/su_note]

Below is a step by step guide to install GApps on Android 11:

  1. Download and copy the Android 11 GApps zip file to your phone.
  2. Restart your phone into TWRP recovery mode.- Power off the phone and then press and hold the Power + Volume Up button to boot into recovery mode.
  3. Select Install from TWRP home screen, then navigate to the directory where you have copied the Android 11 GApps zip file and then select the GApps zip file and slide the Swipe to Confirm Flash on TWRP screen to install the GApps.
  4. Wait for TWRP to install the Google Apps (GApps).
  5. Once the flashing is done just reboot your phone, setup Google account and ENJOY.

That’s all on this Android 11 GApps download article for Android 11 based custom ROMs. If you find some GApps which is not included in this post, then please take a step forward to add a link in the comments section. I will verify and include the link into this list as early as possible.

If you are facing any issues while installing GApps on Android 11 custom ROM then just leave a comment with the problem details to get an instant reply. Stay tuned for more Android 11 updates.

10 thoughts on “Download GApps for Android 11”

  1. Hi,
    I downloaded MindTheGApps for lineage 18.1, when i tried to flash GApps after the successful flash of Lineage 18.1, it’s keep throwing a error of “Not enough space for GApps! Aborting!”. I am flashing it on samsung galaxy note 10.1 GT N8010 . i tired almost every solution i can find on the internet. but nothing. GApps are not getting installed.
    I just want only one app Google Play store. can you help me on this.
    Somebody suggested the reason for this kind of error is because of TABS are used instead of spaces in “update_Binary” file. i changed it but nothing happened. please help.

  2. Hi twice today I have tried to download the MindTheGApps for Android 11 zip file but both times it comes up with “Failed – Forbidden”.
    Any suggestion have to fix this

  3. Hello!
    I tried Niks gaps, but nothing works.
    I install everything by TWRP, whipe all, install lineageOS18 for Samsung s5 first, than gaps and I whipe. After a new start, I get Android 11, but I can not even find a texteditor to fill in the wireless data.

  4. utilizzo un samsung galaxy s7 con lineage OS 18.0, e non trovo un pacchetto di gapps che sia compatibile.
    Non so per quale motivo ma quando vado ad istallarle, mi da sempre un errore, se mi rispondeste mi fareste un favore visto che senza le gapps non riesco praticamente ad utilizzare il telefono


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