TWRP Recovery Download for Samsung Phone – List of supported Phones

Gaming Laptop Series

TWRP recovery is important to ROOT or install a custom ROM such as LineageOS, RR OS, etc. This is a list of TWRP recovery for Samsung Android phones. The list contains all official and unofficially built TWRP recovery for almost all Samsung phone.

Download list of TWRP recovery for Samsung phones

FAQs about TWRP recovery for Samsung Phones

TWRP is a custom recovery available only for Android phones. The TWRP is typically available in an img file extension which can be flashed using the Fastboot tool but requires an unlocked bootloader.

If you are new here, then it is worth reading few word about the TWRP and stuff.

What is TWRP recovery??

TWRP stands for Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) is a custom recovery for Android phones, which is an open source project. Team Win project started on porting of CM7 for HTC EVO 4G and later settled to work on a custom recovery project which is now TWRP, one of the leading custom recovery available to date covering a wide range of available Android phones and Tablets.

Why TWRP is Installed on Samsung Phone?

With the help of TWRP recovery, you will be able to install a wide range of custom ROMs available for a particular device. It’s for sure, an Android device won’t get the latest Android update after 2 or 3 years of its release.

If you need to have the latest Android running on your phone, then you need to install a custom Android ROM like Lineage OS 17.1, LineageOS 16, CyanogenMod, Resurrection Remix ROM etc. and this is not possible without a custom recovery like TWRP recovery.

In addition to installing custom ROM, the TWRP custom recovery has some more features as compared to any other stock recovery. Here are few features of them:
– Touch screen support
– Current ROM image backup and restore
– F2FS filesystem support
– MTP support (You can access files while using TWRP recovery)
– ADB sideload installation support
– Many more other features

Where to Download TWRP for a Samsung Phone?

List of available TWRP recovery for Samsung Phones:

Galaxy A5 2016 (a5xeltexx) Official TWRP (RECOMMENDED for Lineage OS 17.1)
TWRP for Marshmallow
TWRP for Lollipop
Galaxy A5 2017 (a5y17lte) TWRP download for Galaxy A5 2017 by skorupsi
Galaxy A6 Plus (a6pltexx) TWRP download for Galaxy A6 Plus
Galaxy A7 2017 (a7y17lte) TWRP download for Galaxy A7 2017 [OFFICIAL TWRP] – TWRP download for Galaxy A7 2017 [by Option58]
Galaxy A70 (a7q) TWRP download for Galaxy A70
TWRP download for Galaxy A70 for LineageOS 17
Galaxy A8 2018 (jackpotlte) TWRP download for Galaxy A8 2018 by BlackMesa123
Galaxy A8+ 2018 (jackpot2lte) TWRP download for Galaxy A8+ 2018 by BlackMesa123
Galaxy A80 (r1q) TWRP download for Galaxy A80 by blackbuga
Galaxy ACE 2 TWRP download for Galaxy ACE 2 (i8160)
Galaxy ACE 3 LTE TWRP download for Galaxy ACE 3 LTE by kotzir
Galaxy Alpha Exynos (slte) TWRP download for Galaxy Alpha Exynos by modpunk
Galaxy Alpha Snapdragon (sltecan) (SM-G850W) TWRP download for Galaxy Alpha Snapdragon by kyasu
Galaxy C7 Pro (c7proltedd) TWRP download for Galaxy C7 Pro
Galaxy C9 Pro (c9lte) TWRP download for Galaxy C9 Pro
Galaxy C9 Pro CHINA (c9ltechn) TWRP download for Galaxy C9 Pro CHINA
Galaxy Core Prime (core33g) TWRP download for Galaxy Core Prime
Galaxy Core Prime LTE Qualcomm (coreprimelte) TWRP download for Galaxy Core Prime LTE
Galaxy E5 TWRP download for Galaxy Alpha by jackeagle
Galaxy Express (expressltexx) TWRP download for Galaxy Express by kotzir
Galaxy Express 2 (wilcoxltexx) TWRP download for Galaxy Express 2 by kotzir
Galaxy Grand 2 (ms013g) TWRP in zip file
TWRP in img file for Galaxy Grand 2 by Borovets
TWRP in img file for Galaxy Grand 2 by aapav01
Galaxy Grand DUOS (i9082) TWRP for Galaxy Grand DUOS
Galaxy Grand Neo (i9060) TWRP Downlaod for LineageOS 16 by knuxfanwin8
TWRP download for Galaxy Grand Neo by madeinandroland
Galaxy Grand Neo Plus (i9060i) TWRP download for Galaxy Grand Neo Plus by Dev4Perf
Galaxy Grand Prime (fortuna3g) TWRP download for Galaxy Grand Prime
Galaxy Grand Prime VE (fortunave3g) TWRP download for Galaxy Grand Prime VE
Galaxy J Docomo (js01lte) TWRP download for Galaxy J Docomo by kyasu
Galaxy J1 ACE (j1pop3gjv) TWRP download for Galaxy J1 ACE
Galaxy J3 2016 (SM-J320F/FN) TWRP download for Galaxy J3
Galaxy J4 Core (j4corelte) TWRP download for Galaxy J4 Core (version: 3.3.1 for LineageOS 17.1)
Galaxy J5 TWRP download link for J500F
TWRP download link for J500FM
TWRP download link for J500G
TWRP download link for J500M Galaxy J5 by Nick Verse3.2.1 TWRP download link for J500F / J500M / J500G / J500Y by Dyneteve
3.2.1 TWRP download link for J500FN by Dyneteve
3.2.1 TWRP download link for J500H by Dyneteve
Galaxy J7 2016 Exynos (j7xelte) TWRP download for Galaxy J7 2016 Exynos
Galaxy J7 2017 Exynos (j7elte) TWRP download for Galaxy J7 2017
Galaxy J7 Prime (on7xelte) TWRP download for Galaxy J7 Prime by ashyt16
Galaxy J7 Sprint (j7ltespr) TWRP download for Galaxy J7 Sprint
Galaxy M20 (m20lte) TWRP download for Galaxy M20
Galaxy Mega 6.3 (i9200, i9205) Download and Install TWRP for Galaxy Mega 6.3
Galaxy NOTE 10.1 N8000/N801X Official TWRP download link
for N8000
for 8013
for Galaxy NOTE 10.1 N8000/N801X
Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 3G (lt033g) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 3G by ShevT
Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 LTE (lt03lte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 LTE
Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 WiFi TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 10.1 2014 WiFi
Galaxy NOTE 2 (n7100) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 2
Galaxy NOTE 2 (n7105) TWRP download link for Galaxy NOTE 2 LTE
TWRP download link for Galaxy NOTE 2 LTE SK Telecom
TWRP download link for Galaxy NOTE 2 LTE Korea
Galaxy NOTE 3 (hlte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3
Galaxy NOTE 3 Canadian (hltecan) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 Canadian
Galaxy NOTE 3 China (SM-N9006, hltechn) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 China
Galaxy NOTE 3 Docomo (hltedcm) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 Docomo by kyasu
Galaxy NOTE 3 Japan (SCL22, hltekdi) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 Japan
Galaxy NOTE 3 Sprint (hltespr) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 Sprint
Galaxy NOTE 3 T-Mobile (hltetmo) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 3 T-Mobile
Galaxy NOTE 4 DUOS (trlteduos) TWRP recovery download for Galaxy NOTE 4 DUOS
Galaxy NOTE 4 Qualcomm (trlte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 4 Qualcomm
Galaxy NOTE 4 Exynos (treltexx) TWRP for Galaxy NOTE 4 Exynos
Galaxy NOTE 4 Sprint (trltespr) TWRP for Galaxy NOTE 4 Sprint
Galaxy NOTE 4 T-Mobile (trltetmo) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 4 T-Mobile
Galaxy NOTE 4 Verizon (trltevzw) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 4 Verizon
3.0.2 TWRP for Galaxy NOTE 4 Verizon in tar.md5 format by PaulPizz
Galaxy NOTE 5 (noblelte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 5
Galaxy NOTE 5 T-Mobile (nobleltetmo) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 5 T-Mobile
Galaxy NOTE 8 (greatlte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE 8
Galaxy NOTE Edge (tbltexx) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE Edge
Galaxy NOTE Pro 12.2 LTE (viennalte) TWRP download for Galaxy NOTE Pro 12.2 LTE
TWRP for Galaxy Note Pro 12.1 LTE by Valera1978
Galaxy On 5 (on5prolte, SM-G550FY) TWRP download for Galaxy On 5
Galaxy On 5 T-Mobile/MetroPCS (on5ltetmo, SM-G550T) TWRP download for Galaxy On 5 T-Mobile/MetroPCS
Galaxy On7/On7 Pro (o7prolte) TWRP recovery for Galaxy On7 – On7 Pro
Galaxy S DUOS 2 (S7580, S7582) TWRP download for Galaxy S DUOS 2 by SandPox
Galaxy S2 (i9100) TWRP download for Galaxy S2
Galaxy S2 Plus (i9105) TWRP download for Galaxy S2 Plus
Galaxy S3 (i9300) TWRP download for Galaxy S3
Galaxy S3 AT&T (i747, d2att) TWRP download for Galaxy S3 AT&T
Galaxy S3 LTE (i9305) TWRP download for Galaxy S3 LTE
Galaxy S3 Mini (golden, i8190) TWRP download for Galaxy S3 Mini
Galaxy S3 Sprint (d2spr) TWRP download for Galaxy S3 Sprint
Galaxy S3 T-Mobile (d2tmo) TWRP download for Galaxy S3 T-Mobile
Galaxy S4 (jflte) TWRP download for Galaxy S4
Galaxy S4 Active (jactivelte, i9295) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 Active
Galaxy S4 AT&T (jflteatt, SGH-i337) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 AT&T
Galaxy S4 Docomo (jfltedcm) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 Docomo by voidz-maguro
Galaxy S4 LTE Advanced (ks01lte, i9506) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 LTE Advanced (i9506)
Galaxy S4 Mini (serranoxxxx) 3G variant (serrano3gxx)
LTE Variant (serranoltexx)
DS Variant (serranodsxx) of Galaxy S4 Mini by ne0zone75
Galaxy S4 Sprint (jfltespr – SPH-L720) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 Sprint
Galaxy S4 T-Mobile (jfltetmo – SGH-M919) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 T-Mobile
Galaxy S4 Verizon (jfltevzw, SCH-i545) TWRP download for Galaxy S4 Verizon
Galaxy S5 (klte) TWRP download for Galaxy S5
Galaxy S5 Docomo (kltedcm) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Docomo by lawn
Galaxy S5 DUOS (klteduos) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 DUOS
Galaxy S5 Exynos (k3gxx) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Exynos by GMCadiom
Galaxy S5 KDDI (kltekdi) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 KDDI
Galaxy S5 Korea (kltekor) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Korea
Galaxy S5 Mini (kminilte) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Mini by hennymcc
Galaxy S5 Plus (kccat6, SM-G901F) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Plus
Galaxy S5 Sprint (kltespr) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Sprint
Galaxy S5 T-Mobile (kltetmo) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 T-Mobile
Galaxy S5 US Cellular (klteusc) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 US Cellular
Galaxy S5 Verizon (kltevzw) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Verizon (safestrap recovery) by Hashcode
Galaxy S5 Vodafone (kltedv) TWRP download for Galaxy S5 Vodafone
Galaxy S6 (zerofltexx) TWRP download for Galaxy S6
Galaxy S6 Edge (zerolte) TWRP download for Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S7 (herolte) TWRP download for Galaxy S7
Galaxy S7 Edge (hero2lte, hero2qltechn) TWRP download for Galaxy S7 Edge Exynos
TWRP for Galaxy S7 Edge Qualcomm by travis82
Galaxy S8 Exynos (dreamlte) TWRP download for Galaxy S8 Exynos
TWRP 3.2.3 by travis82
Galaxy S8 Plus Exynos (dream2lte) TWRP download for Galaxy S8 Plus Exynos
Galaxy S8 Snapdragon (dreamqlte) TWRP download for Galaxy S8 Snapdragon
Galaxy S8 Plus Snapdragon (dream2qlte) TWRP download for Galaxy S8 Plus Snapdragon
Galaxy S9 Exynos (starlte) TWRP download for Galaxy S9 Exynos variants (G965F/FD/F-DS/N)
Galaxy S9+ Exynos (star2lte) TWRP download for Galaxy S9+ Exynos variants
Galaxy S10 (beyond1lte) TWRP for Galaxy S10 variants (SM-G973F)
Galaxy S10+ (beyond2lte) TWRP for Galaxy S10+ variants (SM-G975F)
Galaxy S10e (beyond0lte) TWRP for Galaxy S10e variants (SM-G970F)
Galaxy Star (mint2g, GT-S5282) TWRP download for Galaxy Star by corphish
TWRP download for Galaxy Star by LehKeda
Galaxy TAB 3 8.0 3G (lt013g, SM-T311) TWRP recovery flashable
TWRP fastboot flashable
TWRP ODIN flashable for Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 3G by gr8nole
Galaxy TAB 3 8.0 LTE (lt01lte, SM-T315) TWRP recovery flashable
TWRP fastboot flashable
TWRP ODIN flashable for Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 LTE by gr8nole
Galaxy TAB 3 8.0 WIFI (lt01wifi, SM-T310) TWRP recovery flashable
TWRP fastboot flashable
TWRP ODIN flashable for Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 Wifi by gr8nole
Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 3G (matisse3g, SM-T531) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 3G by sub77
Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 LTE (matisselte, SM-T535) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 LTE by sub77
Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 WiFi (matissewifi, SM-T530) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 WiFi by sub77
Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 WiFi (SM-T330NU) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 WiFi (TWRP by jazzespresso
Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE (i815) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE by daniel_hk
Galaxy Tab A 9.7 Wifi (gt510wifi) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab A 9.7 Wifi
Galaxy Tab A7 Lite (gta7litewifixx) TWRP download for Galaxy Tab A7 Lite
Galaxy TAB PRO 8.4 LTE (mondrianlte, SM-T325) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB PRO 8.4 LTE
Galaxy TAB PRO 8.4 WiFi (mondrianwifi, SM-T320) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB PRO 8.4 WiFi
Galaxy TAB S 8.4 LTE (klimtlte) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S 8.4 LTE
Galaxy TAB S 10.5 WiFi (chagallwifi, SM-T800) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S 10.5 WiFi
Galaxy TAB S 10.5 LTE (chagalllte, SM-T805) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S 10.5 LTE
Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 2016 WiFi (gts210vewifi, SM-T813) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 2016 WiFi
Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 LTE (gts210ltexx, SM-T815) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 LTE by ashyt16
Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 WiFi (gts210wifi, SM-T810) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S2 9.7 WiFi by ashyt16
Galaxy TAB S3 9.7 LTE (gts3llte – SM-T825) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S3 9.7 LTE by ashyt16 (ashyx)
TWRP for Galaxy TAB S3 9.7 LTE by schwabe93
Galaxy TAB S3 9.7 Wifi (gts3lwifi – SM-T825) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S3 9.7 Wifi by ashyt16 (ashyx)
Galaxy TAB S5e (gts4lvwifi) TWRP download for Galaxy TAB S5e
Galaxy Trend Plus (kylepro, GT-S7580) TWRP download link in md5 extension by SandPox
TWRP download for Galaxy Trend Plus by ashyt16

How to Install TWRP Recovery on a Samsung phone?

The TWRP recovery for a Samsung phone may be in two file extensions: .tar or .tar.md5 and .img
– Following is the guide to install TWRP on Samsung Phone with .tar or .tar.md5 extension using ODIN (a third party Windows Application) [THIS IS THE EASIEST AND DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY BOOTLOADER UNLOCK]
– Following guide is a generic guide that applies for all .img extension files:

That’s all my friend. The above list is not complete and will be updated when more and more phone are made available with TWRP support. Some Samsung phone may have TWRP yet is missing from our list. These missing list of Samsung phone will also be added soon.

If your Samsung phone is missing from the list then you can place a request below. I will add a TWRP if available.

6 thoughts on “TWRP Recovery Download for Samsung Phone – List of supported Phones”

  1. Why the hell there is not option to do clean install? I dont want that AND12 and want to put here Oreo 8 Samsung Galaxy tab A7 SM-T505

    Sit and sit only the absurded AND12. I dont want. Even 10 not possible to put. Idiot things those…

  2. I have an at&t galaxy tab 4 sm-t337t 8.0 running 5.1.1 stock rom and having hell of a time rooting this thing. Biggest problem is limited to no access to pc. Is there anything i can do? Please pm me an answer if you can. I would greatly appreciate your advice on this even if to tell me its a lost cause. Thank you

  3. Good evening sir,
    My mobile is Samsung Galaxy grand 2 SM-G7108V, searching for twrp, can you suggest which twrp i should download, which is not in the list

  4. Ich habe ein Galaxy Tab SM-T590 Android10 und würde das TWRP für dieses Tab zum rooten benützen. Vieleicht weißt du etwas darüber oder kannst es herstellen. Ich würde mich sehr Bedanken.


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