OpenSUSE Vs Ubuntu Linux

Gaming Laptop Series

OpenSUSE and Ubuntu are two popular Linux distributions that use different tools and packages.

Today in this article I will discuss the differences between OpenSUSE and Ubuntu Linux.



OpenSUSE is a free and open-source community-based RPM-based Linux distribution that was initially released on October 6, 2005. It developed and incorporated various tools such as YaST, Open Build Service, openQA, Portus, OSEM, etc, and primarily focuses on the stability and security of the system.

SUSE offers comprehensive training resources including online and in-person classes for its administrators. It provides subscription-based plans for technical support.

OpenSUSE is released in two versions –

Tumbleweed – Fast integrated and stabilized distribution

Leap – Get the latest of OpenSUSE


Ubuntu is a distribution based on Debian Linux composed of mainly free and open-source softwares developed by Canonical and other communities of developers. Its main purpose is to serve user-friendly Linux desktops and servers.

Canonical provides security updates and support for each Ubuntu release until its designated end of life. A new version of Ubuntu is released every six months, with long-term support (LTS) releases once every two years.

Ubuntu comes in three editions –

  • Desktop
  • Server
  • and Core for IoT and robots

Also, Ubuntu is a preferred and one of the most popular operating systems for cloud computing.

OpenSUSE Vs Ubuntu Linux: The key differences

The following table shows the difference between OpenSUSE and Ubuntu Linux.

[table id=56 /]


I hope this gives you a basic understanding of how OpenSUSE is different from Ubuntu Linux.

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