Google Camera usually enhances the photography experience on any phone it works on. What if there is a GCam available for Mi 9 SE? Yes, that’s true! There are a couple of working mod of Google Camera or GCam for Mi 9 SE available to download which is brought to you by BSG and onFire.
Available GCam APK versions
Below are the available versions of GCam for Mi 9 SE. Out of all, most versions have a laggy view finder except the GCam 7.0.
- GCam 7.4
- GCam 7.3
- GCam 7.2
The Google Camera 7.x brings Astrophotography mode on Mi 9 Se along with other legacy GCam features. The available GCam ports are compatible on Android Pie and Android 10.
Status of this Mi 9 SE Google Camera
– Night Sight
– Astro phototography
– Light Painting (the chip that is in the PX mode from the old for pixels);
– auto white balance (AWB)
– lib patcher;
– Sabre (but with problems)
– shutter speed.
– View Finder Lags (as per comments from many users)
– Sabre + front camera = crash (will be fixed in future versions);
– 60 FPS in the video does not work
– There are problems with colors on some firmware (turn on lib patcher, turn on auto white balance, turn off “Disable Dynamic Black Level”)
– Issues with the auto focus in video mode (switching to the front and back helps)
– Slow Mo does not work
– On some firmware there is a problem with the horizontal mode in night mode;
– The problem of focus was also noticed in some cases when you taped with focus, and then zoom
[su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]
Where to Download GCam for Mi 9 SE?
Below is a list of compatible GCam APK download links for Mi 9 SE –
GCam 7.4 for Mi 9 SE
[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#1BBC9B” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button]GCam 7.3 for Mi 9 SE
[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#1BBC9B” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button]GCam 7.2 for Mi 9 SE
[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#1BBC9B” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button]GCam 7.0 for Mi 9 SE
This is the recommended versions of GCam for the phone which does no have a laggy view finder.
Thanks Damian, for suggesting this build.
[su_button url=”” target=”self” style=”default” background=”#1BBC9B” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” download=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download[/su_button]
How to Install Google Camera on Mi 9 SE?
- Download the GCam APK from the above download link
- To install apps from a third party app other than Play Store you need to enable app install from Unknown Sources on your Android device.
For Android Oreo or Pie version, enable Install Unknown Apps from the app from which you are going to install the Google Camera APK.
For example: if you have downloaded the Google Camera apk file on Google chrome or firefox browser on your phone.
Or you have downloaded and copied the apk file to the file browser and you want to install it from there.Go to Settings > Apps & notifications or Manage Apps on MIUI > Select the app (Chrome, Firefox or file manager app etc) > Install unknown apps or Install apps from unknown sources on MIUI and enable Allow from this source
See the below screenshots that enables to install unknown apps on Oreo for Chrome app (you need to enable on the app from where you want to install the apk):
- Once enabled, click on the app to install.
How to Install xml config file (on GCam 7.3 by jairo_rossi)?
- Download the xml config file from the GCam 7.3 download link. In the download page, there is a drop down box to chose which file to download. Select one of the xml config file and try.
- Once the GCam is installed, create the following directories on your phone’s internal memory and copy the downloaded xml config file:
- First create a directory in the name of ConfigsSettings7 inside phone’s internal memory.
[su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]Note: This version stores files in /ConfigsSettings7/ not inside the usual /GCam/Configs7/ folder.[/su_note] - Copy the xml config file in this directory.
- First create a directory in the name of ConfigsSettings7 inside phone’s internal memory.
- Now you can open the GCam app and double tap near the blank space beside the shutter button.
See the below image to get an idea where to tap:
- When prompted, select the config file and tap on RESTORE to load. (do this twice as for the first time the config did not loaded)
- Once the xml config file is loaded, you are done with the installation.
Lag FIX on GCam 7.3 by jairo_rossi
To apply lag FIX on camera, goto Settings > Fix and Fixes > Lag Fix
How to shot in astrophotography mode?
Google Camera 7.2 comes with Astrophotography mode by default, but there are some settings available to forcefully enable astrophotography mode. Follow the below instructions to enable astrophotography mode:
- Go to Settings > PX Mod Settings > Show Astro Buttons (scroll to the end to get this setting) > Toggle the Enable Astrophotography Buttons to force enable the mode
- Once enabled, the Astrophotography button will be available in the Night Sight mode.
See the below screenshot to know how to force enable astrophotography on GCam 7.2
[rl_gallery id=”102560″]
Usually, following conditions must be met to capture in Astrophotography mode if not force enabled manually –
- It can be enabled on Night Sight mode (only)
- The phone must be kept static (use a tripod or keep the phone somewhere to keep it static)
- There must be low light condition
- It may take few seconds for this mode to come up when the above conditions are met
– If the GCam takes a lot of time usually more than 30 seconds then it is capturing in astro mode.
– When I kept the phone static in front of a good light source, the Astrophotography mode did not turn on.
So, make sure it is a low light environment.[/su_note]
New features are keep on coming on the Google Camera app and hence there could be many versions of GCam for Mi 9 SE. This page will always have the latest and all compatible Google Camera for Mi 9 SE.