Lineage Recovery Downloads – for Supported Devices

Gaming Laptop Series

To be able to flash a custom ROM like the LineageOS on any phone one will require a custom recovery such as a TWRP recovery or RedWolf recovery or a Lineage recovery etc.

With the release of LineageOS 17.1 the team has declared that the Lineage recovery is the default supported recovery for LineageOS builds.

Lineage Recovery Download

So, I thought let’s put all available Lineage recovery together for users. In this article you will find the download link(s) for all available or supported phones.

Lineage recovery vs TWRP

Making the Lineage recovery as the default for LineageOS custom ROMs does not mean that this is good recovery from the features point of view. It is easier for the developers to work with the recovery code if it is inside the same ROM code that they are building. That’s all.

As of now TWRP is the only custom recovery that provides such a huge feature set of backup restore of partitions, decryption, built-in console, and many more.
Lineage recovery lack by a huge margin in this regard. But it does not take much time to make it no less than the TWRP.

The journey of Lineage recovery has just began!

Lineage Recovery Download List for Supported Devices

Xiaomi Lineage Recovery Download

Redmi Note 9s (curtana)Redmi Note 9s Lineage Recovery
– Based on: LineageOS 17.1
Redmi Note 9 Pro (curtana)Redmi Note 9 Pro Lineage Recovery
– Based on: LineageOS 17.1


How to Install Lineage Recovery?

Installing TWRP requires an unlocked bootloader and ADB fastboot to be installed on a PC.

  1. Unlock bootloader of your phone
  2. Install ADB and Fastboot on a PC
  3. Download the Lineage recovery from the above download link
  4. Flash the recovery image file either on recovery partition on a A-only device or on the boot partition on an AB device

    Execute the below command to flash the Lineage recovery on an A-only device:
    fastboot flash recovery lineage-recovery.img

    (or) execute the below for an AB device:
    fastboot flash boot_a lineage-recovery.img
    fastboot flash boot_b lineage-recovery.img

That’s on this Lineage recovery collection article. If you want this recovery for your phone which is not in the list, then just leave a comment so that I will try to search and get it for you!

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