How to install WebTorrent in Ubuntu Linux?

Gaming Laptop Series

WebTorrent is a free and open-source BitTorrent client which is written in JavaScript. It is a peer-to-peer streaming torrent application that means you can play an audio or video while the download is in progress.

WebTorrent offers an easy-to-use, modern user interface, you can simply drag and drop a download link to start downloading a file.

In this article, I will discuss how to install WebTorrent in Ubuntu Linux.

Features of WebTorrent Torrent client

The key features of WebTorrent are –

  • Free and opensource
  • cross-platform
  • Multiple torrent download simultaneously
  • Supports advanced torrent client features such as magnet URI and peer discovery
  • Allows streaming while downloading
  • Uses WebRTC

How to install WebTorrent in Ubuntu

The WebTorrent desktop application is available as the deb package for Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems. You can download and install the package from its official website.

First, go to the official download page and click on Download for Ubuntu as you can see in the image below.


Alternatively, you can download it from your terminal by using the given command –


Now once the package is downloaded, go to the download location and use the following command to install it on your system –

sudo apt install ./webtorrent-desktop_0.24.0_amd64.deb

The WebTorrent desktop package should be installed now.

Launch the WebTorrent on Ubuntu

Once the installation is completed you can launch it from the Ubuntu activities dashboard. Search webtorrent and click on its icon when appears as you can see in the image below.

webtorrent launch

The following image shows the user interface of WebTorrent on Ubuntu Linux –


Now here you can simply drag and drop a torrent file or paste a magnet link to start downloading files.

How to remove WebTorrent from Ubuntu

Now for any reason, if you want to remove it from your system then run the given command in your terminal –

sudo apt remove webtorrent-desktop -y

Remove any unused dependencies from your system by using –

sudo apt autoremove

To know more about WebTorrent you can follow its official documentation.


WebTorrent uses WebRTC instead of TCP/uTP as the transport protocol. I hope you have successfully set up it on your Ubuntu system.

Now if you have a query or feedback then write us in the comments below.

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