General instructions for Installing Linux onto Compaq Servers

Gaming Laptop Series

A fresh install would go like this:

  • Run system erase (WARNING!!! DATA Destructive – this wipes out ALL information on ALL hard drives)
  • SmartStart Manual Installation of Linux (or UnixWare 2 if SS is earlier than SS4.60)
  • SmartStart will configure your hardware – Original EISA Smart Array is manually configured using SCU
  • SmartStart will configure your array if you have one – all array controllers other than Original EISA Smart Array
  • SmartStart will create the Compaq System Partition
  • SmartStart will copy the Compaq System Utilities and Diagnostics to the System Partition
  • SmartStart will offer to make UnixWare 2 diskettes if you chose UnixWare 2, don’t build them – you won’t need them for the Linux install.
  • SmartStart Manual installation finishes nicely and prompts you to remove all Floppies and CD’s, remove them and insert your RedHat Installation CD – If you have a SCSI CD-Rom drive your installation CD will not boot, you must create and use a installation boot floppy.
  • Boot to your RedHat Installation CD or boot floppy
  • Choose “Custom Install”
  • Use fdisk instead of Disk Druid
  • Put LILO in the 1st sector of the /boot partition instead of the MBR
  • Stay away from adding the Compaq System Partition to LILO during installation (otherwise you will have to switch to your Bash# screen, correct /mnt/etc/lilo.conf {fix table=/dev/ida to read table=/dev/ida/c0d0 under the “other” section}, run “/mnt/sbin/lilo -r /mnt”, return to your RedHat installation, “Menu”, do next step {configure X}, now select to “continue with install”)

Notes on Memory:

Install with no more than 960MB of memory. If you want to install with more than that, then you must limit the amount that the install sees by typing “linux mem=960M” at the boot prompt.

RedHat 6.0 supports 1GB of memory by default and 2GB with minor kernel modifications. RedHat 6.0 seems to support a maximum of 4GB on a x86 system.

Linux will not automatically see more than 1GB of memory. If you have more than 1GB of memory, you will need to pass parameters via an append statement in /etc/lilo.conf

On certain Compaq servers, Linux may only see 16MB of memory, in this case you will have to pass parameters via an append statement in lilo.conf to recognize the full amount of memory.

Don’t tell /etc/lilo.conf that you have more memory than what is physically installed.

The append line looks like:


and should go just between the “read-only” and “root=” lines. Save your changes to /etc/lilo.conf and then run “/sbin/lilo”. The section of /etc/lilo.conf will look similar to the following:


If you need to put other parameters on the append statement, they are separated by spaces and will look like the following:

             append="mem=48M HDC=CD-Rom"

where “HDC=CD-Rom” was the 2nd parameter you wanted to add.

I have seen where some had problems using “M” for megabytes, make sure you use a CAPITAL “M” and not a lowercase “M”. Some have converted their memory size to kilobytes and then used a “k” instead of “M”; however means passing more characters to the kernel via the append statement. In the past there has been a limitation on the number of characters that can be passed to the kernel via the append statement, so it may not be desirable to use the longer “k” notation.

Notes on Compaq Drive Arrays:

Don’t install Linux with unconfigured drives on the array. Unconfigured drives should be either configured or removed until the installation is completed.

Notes on Hard Drives on Intel Based Computers / Servers:

You are allowed 4 Primary Partitions on each hard drive.

An Extended Partition counts as 1 Primary Partition. An Extended Partition can have multiple logical drives within itself.

You can only boot from a Primary Partition. A Logical Drive within an Extended Partition is not bootable.

The boot kernel (for most operating systems on an Intel based box) must reside completely below the 1024 cylinder limit. If the kernel is placed beyond the 1024 cylinder limit, the operating system will not boot.

Sample Partition Sizes for a Linux Only Installation:

Partition Type     Part. Size     Mount Point  Description
primary partition  39MB           none         Compaq System Partition
primary partition  30MB           /boot        /boot is used to boot Linux
extended partition begins here
logical drive      130MB          none         Swap Partition of type "Linux Swap"
logical drive      265MB          /            Root file system
logical drive      265MB          /var         /var file system
logical drive      50%*           /home        /home holds user home directories
logical drive      50%*           /usr         at least 900MB is needed in /usr
                                               for the full install on RH60,
                                               1.3GB on RH62

*Usually the remaining drive space is divided equally between /home and /usr, thus 50%. /usr should at least be 900MB since it holds all your programs and applications. To figure out the remaining amounts for /home and /usr, take beginning cylinder for /home, subtract this from the ending cylinder of the drive, divide this value in half and add it to the beginning cylinder for /home. Then for /usr, just use the next available beginning cylinder, and make the ending cylinder end on the last one on the drive.

Partitioning for a Dual Boot Linux / Windows (or other OS) Installation:

The only change needed to the above info is to create your Windows (or other OS) primary partition, just after the /boot and just before the extended partition.

Partition Type    Part. Size   Mount Point  Description
primary partition 39MB         none         Compaq System Partition
primary partition 30MB         /boot        /boot is used to boot Linux
primary partition xxxMB**                   PUT WINDOWS OR OTHER OS HERE
extended partition begins here
logical drive     130MB        none         Swap Partition of type "Linux Swap"
logical drive     265MB        /            Root file system
logical drive     265MB        /var         /var file system
logical drive     50%*         /home        /home holds user home directories
logical drive     50%*         /usr         at least 900MB is needed in /usr
                                            for the full install on RH60,
                                            1.3GB on RH62

*Usually the remaining drive space is divided equally between /home and /usr, thus 50%. /usr should at least be 900MB since it holds all your programs and applications. To figure out the remaining amounts for /home and /usr, take beginning cylinder for /home, subtract this from the ending cylinder of the drive, divide this value in half and add it to the beginning cylinder for /home. Then for /usr, just use the next available beginning cylinder, and make the ending cylinder end on the last one on the drive.

**This is your Windows or other Operating System’s partition. Create this any size you need, I would try to keep it entirely below the 1024 cylinder limit as well. You can also create logical drives for Windows (or other OS) in the extended partition if you like (the order of the logical drives does not matter).

Notes on Partition Sizes:

I would tend to create about a 30MB or 60MB partition for /boot. This is where your kernel’s are stored, and they are getting bigger. 60MB may be a little of overkill, but how are you going to change the size later?

You may need larger or smaller partition sizes than what I referenced above. You may even need more partitions than what I have listed. Adjust the sizes and number of partitions according to your needs.

Notes on Resizing Partitions:

Usually, when partitions are created, their size is permanently fixed. The only way to change this is to backup the data, destroy the partition, recreate the partition with the correct size needed, then restore the data. This is a long process, but it is the only stable way to do it in a critical environment.

There is an alternate choice available to change a partitions size. This choice is not for you if you are in a critical environment. This choice is definitely not for you if you haven’t made 2 good backups and verified them. I nor my employer, Compaq, will not be held responsible if you loose data resizing your partition. Resizing partitions are not supported.

With that out of the way, here is how to resize a Linux partition (even on a Compaq Array Controller). Partition Magic 4.0 is a commercially available package that will allow you to change partition sizes without destruction of data (remember my warnings above and get a backup and also that this method is not supported by Compaq). Version 4.0 is able to modify Linux Partitions where version 3.0 is not. Once you make free space, you can even create more partitions if that is what you need to do.

Notes on /boot:

/boot needs to be a primary partition (partition #’s 1-4)

If /boot is a logical drive (partition #5 or above), then you will have to have a boot loader installed somewhere other than in a logical drive. You can install LILO to the MBR or install LILO to /boot and use a different boot manager..

/boot needs to be marked active (unless you intend to use NT’s Boot Loader).

/boot needs to be below the 1024 cylinder limit

All other Linux partitions (including swap) can reside in the extended partition as logical drives (partition #’s 5 and above).

Notes on Swap Partition:

The swap partition can reside just fine in the extended partition. Be sure to change its type in fdisk to “Linux Swap” which is type “82.”

Notes on other Linux Partitions (besides /boot):

All partitions except for /boot can reside as Logical Drives in the Extended Partition.

Notes on Marking a Partition Active:
Only 1 partition may be marked active at any time.

Notes on Compaq System Partition Utilities:

The Compaq System Partition Utilities is a small partition (currently about 39MB) placed at the front of the drive (starting at the first cylinder). This partition is placed here during the Smart Start CD Install Process. Through these utilities you can configure your hardware, add and remove boards, change resources, run diagnostics, etc. The two main utilities placed on the System Partition are “Compaq System Configuration Utilities” and “Compaq Server Diagnostics.” You can pick up the latest copies of these from Compaq’s web site at

The System Partition can be accessed in two ways, 1) by pressing F10 on startup or 2) by pointing to it from LILO.

1) How to access the System Partition by pressing F10 at startup

  • Turn the server on, wait for the hardware detection, you will see a message “scanning for SCSI devices,” the screen will blank and you will get a flashing cursor in the upper right corner. Here you will have just a couple of seconds to press the F10 key. If you press the F10 key, the system will boot from the system partition. If you don’t press the F10 key, then your operating system boots.
  • If you have lost your F10 functionality, then see the section below on “How to Restore your F10 Functionality.”

2) How to access the System Partition from LILO

  • See the section labeled ” Dual Boot / Booting System Partition using LILO as the boot loader” if you want to add the System Partition to LILO.


Getting a Panic during Installation:

  • Installing with more than 960MB of memory in the server.
  • Installing with unconfigured drives on the drive array.

Getting a Black Screen after POST completes (blinking cursor in upper left hand corner):

  • No active partition.
  • /boot is in the extended partition (/boot’s partition # needs to be less than 5)
  • MBR is corrupt, repair with Dos 6.22 or Win95 boot disk and do “fdisk /mbr”
  • check /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab

LILO or Linux hangs trying to boot:

  • /boot needs to be below the 1024 cylinder limit
  • double check /etc/lilo.conf (remember to rerun /sbin/lilo)
  • double check /etc/fstab

Getting a Panic in Linux:

  • Telling /etc/lilo.conf that you have more memory than what really is installed.

Linux not showing all your Memory:

  • Add the following line to your /etc/lilo.conf just between the “read-only” and “root=” lines (adjust for your amount of memory). You may also have to convert the number to kilobytes and express it with a “k” instead of “M”:
     append="mem=48M"        or        append="mem=49152k"

Installing Mandrake 6.0 on a Compaq Array fails:

  • It appears that the mandrake copy of LILO isn’t patched to work with the array controller. You will need to either get the patch or a patched copy of lilo. It looks like the Mandrake version of fdisk is OK.
     "ls -l --full-time /sbin/lilo"

     59,004 Mon Apr 12 16:15:20 1999 /sbin/lilo  (incorrect lilo, version 21)

     69,136 Mon Apr 12 23:19:24 1999 /sbin/lilo  (correct lilo for array controllers,
                                                 version 21, found in RedHat 6.0 installation)
  • It appears that the kernel Mandrake leaves you with does not have any Compaq Array Controller support built in. This means you will have to have certain packages installed (glibc-devel, egcs, ncurses, ncurses-devel, make, kernel-headers, kernel-source, bin86, cpp) and build a kernel and modules (kernel.html). Be sure to copy your new kernel to /boot and add an entry in /etc/lilo.conf.

Special Procedures:

How to Restore your F10 functionality:

The functionality of pressing F10 at startup to access the system partition is located in the MBR. If you overwrite the MBR with LILO, you will not be able to boot to the system partition by pressing F10 on startup. Here are the steps to recover your F10 functionality and still be able to boot Linux.

  • Make sure you have 2 full backups, have verified them, and have your boot disks handy. I don’t expect to loose data during this step, but it never hurts to be prepared, remember, we are playing with one of the important parts of your hard drive. If all goes right, you will be able to boot back to Linux just fine. If it doesn’t go just right, it will be a good thing to have your boot disks and possibly your tape backup handy.
  • Configure LILO to install to /boot instead of the MBR: In /etc/lilo.conf, make reference to your /boot partition (boot=/dev/sda1) instead of the MBR (boot=/dev/sda). If you don’t have /boot separated out into its own partition, then point to your “/” (“root”) partition number instead because that will contain /boot. To do this, edit your /etc/lilo.conf, change the top line which should read something like “boot=/dev/sda” (Note: here the MBR is referenced because there is no partition number referenced). Add the partition number of /boot (or / if you don’t have a /boot partition) to that line to make it look like “boot=/dev/sda1” (Note: here we are referencing the /boot partition by its specific partition number; therefore, we are not pointing to the MBR anymore). As always, make a backup of the file before you edit it, then save your changes when you are done. Also double check that “image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-15” points to a valid kernel name, and check that “root=/dev/ida/c0d0p6” points to your actual “/” or “root” partition. Note: if /boot or the partition that contains /boot is not a primary partition which resides completely below the 1024 cylinder limit, then you must use some boot manager other than LILO on /boot in order to get to LILO on /boot (i.e. If /boot is in the extended partition, then this method – restoring F10 functionality – won’t work for you).
  • Install LILO into your partition containing /boot: Activate the changes you made in /etc/lilo.conf by running /sbin/lilo. (Running /sbin/lilo is necessary to make the changes take effect, and no, the changes will not take effect on their own just because you modified /etc/lilo.conf, you must run /sbin/lilo to update the LILO prompt.)
  • Make sure that your /boot partition is active: run fdisk, make sure that your /boot partition is the only one marked active (do not make more than 1 partition active).
  • Restore F10 functionality to the MBR by booting to a Dos / Win95/98 diskette and running “fdisk /mbr”. This will restore the MBR and will allow you to access the system partition when you boot up by pressing F10.

At this point, you should be able access the system partition by pressing F10 on boot up. Also, you should be able to boot back to Linux by just booting the server (and not pressing any keys). If you are unable to boot to Linux, then see the section called “Repairing LILO”

Repairing LILO:

This process involves booting with your Linux boot diskette or your Linux install CD, mounting your root and /boot partitions, correcting /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab, then putting out a fresh copy of LILO by running /sbin/lilo. You may find that “/usr/sbin/chroot” will help you out during this process.

This process is an easy process, it just is long so I’ve put it in a separate document called the recovery document. For more detailed information or if you don’t have your boot diskette (created during system installation), then get my “Linux Recovery” document: How to recover Linux.

Understanding LILO

LILO is basically a 2 part process. It involves editing the configuration file /etc/lilo.conf and it involves running /sbin/lilo to activate the changes made to /etc/lilo.conf. LILO (the LInux LOader) can be placed in 2 places, the MBR (master boot record) or the partition containing /boot. LILO behaves the same way if placed in either location. If you place LILO into the MBR, this takes away the functionality of F10 Setup; therefore, we prefer not to put LILO there.

The first line of /etc/lilo.conf contains “boot=/dev/sda1” (or something close to that). This is saying that LILO will be installed into the 1st partition (1) on the 1st (a) SCSI disk drive (/dev/sd). If it shows “boot=/dev/sda” then this would point to the MBR of the drive.

When you have multiple boot images in /etc/lilo.conf, you determine which one is the default by using the “default=” parameter. If you do not specify a “default=” parameter, then the default boot image will be the first one listed in /etc/lilo.conf.

Understanding Linux Partition Names and Device Names:

Partition names consist of a device name, particular device number, and partition number. Here are some examples:

Device    + Dev. # + Part. # = Full device name   Description
/dev/sd   + a      + 2       = /dev/sda2          2nd pri. part. on
                                                  1st SCSI disk drive
/dev/sd   + a      + none    = /dev/sda           MBR on 1st SCSI disk drive
/dev/hd   + c      + none    = /dev/hdc           MBR on 3rd IDE device (could
                                                  even reference the CD-Rom)
/dev/ida/ + c0d0   + p1      = /dev/ida/c0d0p1    1st partition (p1), on Array
                                                  "A" (d0), on first Compaq Array
                                                  Controller (c0)

Primary partitions are numbered between 1 and 4. Extended partition takes up 1 primary partition number. Logical drives in the extended partition always start at 5 and goes up.

Dual Boot / Booting System Partition using LILO as the boot loader:

LILO is ready to load most Operating Systems. To boot to another partition, such as the system partition or Windows, you need to add a section very similar to the following (without the descriptions on the right):

<- point to the partition to boot
<- label the LILO choice
<- point to the MBR of above named partition.

“/dev/sda3” points to the partition you want to boot
“F10” is the label I gave that choice
“/dev/sda” points to the MBR of the drive containing the partition I want to boot.

After making the changes in LILO, if you save your changes in /etc/lilo.conf and then run /sbin/lilo, you will be able to boot to the other choice by typing that label at the “LILO:” prompt (pressing tab will list your choices).

Dual Boot / Booting Linux from NT’s Boot Loader:

To have Linux listed as a choice on NT’s Boot Loader screen, you need to capture the boot sector of your Linux /boot partition and save it in a file. A good utility to do this is bootpart.exe. One way to get this utility is to find it with Run this from within NT, give it the correct parameters, give it a label for Linux, and it will automatically capture the boot sector (first 512 bytes of the /boot partition), put it in a file, and add an entry into BOOT.INI for you. You’re done, restart your computer to see Linux show up on your NT boot loader.

Another method to capture the boot sector is to use DD. Warning: be very careful with dd, you can delete all information on the hard drive if you are not careful. Here’s the sample command to get the boot sector using dd:

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/tmp/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

Of course you need to adjust the /dev/sda1 value to match where you installed LILO.

Dual Boot / What Order should my Partitions go on the Drive for Dual Boot:

39MB      System Partition
30MB      /boot partition
xxxMB     95 or NT partition (Keep it below 1024 cylinder limit)
xxxMB     Extended Partition which contains the logical drives.
xxxMB     Place all other Linux partitions and 95 or NT logical drives here.

Dual Boot / Linux, Compaq System Partition, and NT (NT’s Disk Administrator):

If you do decide to do a dual boot system and share the hard drive with Windows NT, you will soon find that after you run NT’s Disk Administrator, that you have problems booting Linux. The problem here is that the System Partition initially goes in as partition #3. Linux doesn’t care about that and will work around that. All is well until NT enters the picture. NT’s Disk Administrator looks at the partitions on the drives and says that the information is incorrect and needs to be changed (it says this very quietly because you never hear NT say it). NT puts things back in place by renaming the partitions.

Partition               Part#. before   Part# After running
                        NT Disk Admin   NT Disk Admin
39MB System Partition   3               1
30MB /boot partition    1               2
NT partition            2               3
Extended Partition      4               4
Other partitions...     5 and above     No Changes Made

Now the System Partition is back to being partition #1 instead of #3,

your /boot partition will now be partition #2 instead of 1,

your NT partition will be partition #3 instead of #2.

At this point, Linux will have problems booting. LILO will not be pointing to the correct partitions. You will need to boot your system with your boot disk (or CD), edit a few files, and put out a fresh copy of LILO. See the section on “Repairing LILO” for more information.

Creating and Adding New Partitions:

Use fdisk to create your new partition: “fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0”

For this example, partition 10 is the next available partition.

remember your new partition’s number: “/dev/ida/c0d0p10”

You may have to reboot to be able to resync the OS to the drives.

Create your file system: “mkfs -V -t ext2 -c -v /dev/ida/c0d0p10”

Edit your fstab and add in a line for your partition and a mount point. See the “/download” line below which I added in using /dev/ida/c0d0p10 (I decided that this partition will be used to hold my downloads, thus the name “/download”).

– – – – – contents of /etc/fstab – – – – – begin

/dev/ida/c0d0p6  /           ext2    defaults  1 1
/dev/ida/c0d0p1  /boot       ext2    defaults  1 2
/dev/ida/c0d0p9  /home       ext2    defaults  1 2
/dev/ida/c0d0p8  /usr        ext2    defaults  1 2
/dev/ida/c0d0p7  /var        ext2    defaults  1 2
/dev/ida/c0d0p10 /download   ext2    defaults  1 2
/dev/ida/c0d0p5  swap        swap    defaults  0 0
/dev/fd0         /mnt/floppy ext2    noauto    0 0
/dev/CD-Rom       /mnt/CD-Rom  iso9660 noauto,ro 0 0
none             /proc       proc    defaults  0 0
none             /dev/pts    devpts  mode=0622 0 0

– – – – – contents of /etc/fstab – – – – – end

Make a blank directory in the root directory for the mount point: “mkdir /download”

Either manually mount the partition into the directory (“mount -t ext2 /dev/ida/c0d0p10 /download”) or reboot to have the partition mounted into the directory.

Questions and Answers:

Why start with a system erase:

  • Starting with a system erase allows you start from a known state (unconfigured). From here we should get a good install.

How to do a system erase:

  • Boot to the Smart Start CD, choose System Erase from the Main Menu. If you are not at the Main Menu, then see if it is beginning the setup by asking you for the language. If it is trying to boot a SCO kernel, you will need to clear NVRAM to be able to boot to the CD-Rom and get back to the Main Menu.

How to clear NVRAM:

  • Here, we will not discuss how to properly clear NVRAM. Here, we will only tell you enough to clear NVRAM so that you can run System Erase. If you are needing to clear NVRAM for another purpose then you need to get better documentation on how to clear NVRAM through advanced mode of system configuration utility. To see the full instructions on properly clearing NVRAM get the instructions on How to Clear NVRAM through Advanced Mode of SCU: Clear NVRAM
  • To clear NVRAM so that you can boot to Smart Start to run System Erase, you will need to turn your server off, open one of the covers, look at the side label which discusses the “maintenance switch” or “clear configuration switch.” This is usually #6, sometimes #2, and occasionally #7, read the label. Turn the server off, turn the maintenance switch to the on position, turn the server on, at the F1 prompt, turn the server off, then turn the maintenance switch to the off position. You are now ready to finish with your System Erase.
  • The other method is to create the System Erase floppy and erase the system that way. This may be the quickest way to get started.

Why choose UnixWare 2 as the operating system to install:

  • If you do not have a choice for “Linux” as the installed OS, then UnixWare 2 is the next closest choice.
  • Sets the proper APIC mode for running multiple processors (SMP) to “Full Table”
  • Sets the proper drive geometry. Some versions of the Linux kernel do and don’t properly handle “Full Table” APIC mode. If you do have problems with it then change to Full Table Mapped until you try out the next kernel. “Full Table” is the proper choice; however, “Full Table Mapped” should always work.

How do I view/set my APIC mode:

  • The APIC mode is set automatically if you have more than one processor, choose the correct OS in SCU, then save your changes. If you need to view or make changes to the APIC mode on your system you must enter Advanced mode of SCU. To do this boot the system into the SCU (press F10 on bootup or boot to the SCU floppy – the SmartStart CD-Rom will not allow us into Advanced Mode of SCU). Once you are in SCU, press any key to continue, press CTRL+A, you will receive a dialog box stating “Advanced Mode is now enabled”, press return, go into System Configuration, Configure Hardware, the Review and Modify, then “3. View or Edit Details”. Page Down twice, you will then see the Advanced Features in the listing.

Why choose “Custom Install” instead of “Server Install” or “Workstation Install”:

  • Custom will allow you to keep your existing Compaq System Partition, while “Server” or “Workstation” installs would wipe the entire drive.

Why use fdisk instead of Disk Druid:

  • Once Disk Druid sees any primary partitions, it will want to create all remaining partitions within an extended partition. Since Disk Druid does not take into account the Compaq System Partition, it will install /boot into the extended partition. You cannot boot from anything in the extended partition. The only way I currently see around this is to use fdisk to partition your hard drive.

Why put LILO into the first sector of your /boot partition instead of the MBR:

  • If you put LILO into the MBR, your F10 key will not take you into System Configuration Utilities anymore on system boot up. If you put LILO into your /boot partition and mark it active, it will act just the same as if you had put it in the MBR, but you will keep the functionality of the F10 on system boot up.

Why put the /boot partition immediately after the Compaq System Partition:

  • By putting /boot immediately after the Compaq System Partition, you are guaranteeing that /boot will be completely below the 1024 cylinder limit.

Having fun with Fdisk? Here’s a basic fdisk tutorial:

A lot of people get confused by Linux’s fdisk since it is so different from Dos’ fdisk. It is really a simple tool to use.

Some fdisk Commands:

“m” is your help key, it will list a “menu” of actions you can perform.

“p” will show you what your partitions look like. Use “p” quite frequently to make sure that your partitions are sized how you want them to be.

“n” will create new partitions.

“a” will mark a partition active (don’t mark more than 1 active at any time).

“t” will change the type of partition. Use this to change your swap partition to type Linux Swap.

“w” will save your changes

“q” will exit without saving your changes

Partition Types:

0x5 is the type of the extended partition.

0x12 is the type of the Compaq Partition file system.

0x82 is Linux Swap file type.

0x83 is Linux ext2 file system.

Unless you alter the partition types (not recommended), the only partition type you will have to change is the swap partition. Change the swap partition to type “Linux Swap” which is type “82”.

Creating Primary Partitions:

“n” for new partition

“p” for primary

Choose the next available primary partition # (1-4)

Choose the given starting cylinder

Key in the size you want (for example: +30M for 30MB partition)

Creating the Extended Partition:

“n” for new partition

“e” for extended partition

Choose the next available primary partition # (1-4)

Choose the given starting cylinder

Key in the last cylinder available (it is best for the extended to go all the way to the end of the drive.

You will note that the Extended Partition shows up as type 5 (extended).

Creating a Logical Drive in the Extended Partition:

“n” for new partition

“l” for logical partition

Choose the given starting cylinder

Key in the size you want (for example: +265M for 265MB partition)

You will note that the Logical Drives start at partition number 5 and go up.

Notes on Fdisk:

Make sure to mark partition for /boot as the only bootable partition using the “a” command in fdisk.

Make sure to change the type of your swap partition to type swap (82) using the “t” command in fdisk.

Save your changes in fdisk by using the “w” command.

Tips and Tricks

Multiple NIC’s (3 ne2000’s, RedHat5.2 Linux):

– – – – – contents of /etc/conf.modules – – – – – begin

alias eth0 ne
alias eth1 ne
alias eth2 ne
options ne io=0x300,0x280,0x240

– – – – – contents of /etc/conf.modules – – – – – end

Multiple NIC’s (2 TLAN’s, RedHat5.2 Linux):
– – – – – contents of /etc/conf.modules – – – – – begin

alias scsi_hostadapter ncr53c8xx
alias eth0 tlan
alias eth1 tlan

– – – – – contents of /etc/conf.modules – – – – – end

Compaq NIC drivers:

Drivername        Description
TLAN          TI Thunderlan based chipset, Netelligent, Netflex3, etc.
              TLAN is included in Linux.  Homepage is

e100          Compaq Intel based NIC's
              e100 is available for download from Intel

eepro100      Use e100 instead of eepro100

e1000         Compaq Gigabit NIC, download e1000 from Intel

Adding System Partition to LILO (embedded SCSI):

– – – – – contents of /etc/lilo.conf – – – – – start




– – – – – contents of /etc/lilo.conf – – – – – end

Adding System Partition to LILO (Compaq IDA Array Controller):

– – – – – contents of /etc/lilo.conf – – – – – start




– – – – – contents of /etc/lilo.conf – – – – – end

Support Tools Compaq Linux Home Page w/ documentation: documentation link, ProLiant How-To. Installation and Configuration Guide for Linux and Apache Web Server on Compaq ProSignia and ProLiant Servers Compaq Support Forum, message board, linux Compaq Press Release, newsroom, December 11, 1998 Smart-2/Smart Array Driver Home Page – Chris Frantz’s Home Page. Smart-2/Smart Array Driver Home Page – New Site – Now driver being maintained by Compaq’s Storage Products Division.

Diederick’s Home Page

Diederick’s Linux Home Page FAQ about Compaq machines and Linux Compaq and Linux mailing list archive

You can join the Compaq and Linux mailing list hosted at by sending a message to

Compaq/Linux mailing list created by Diederick Using NT boot loader & LILO Josh’s Linux Guide – All in One Page Linux Guide Linux Network Drivers (hosted by NASA) NCR53c710 SCSI driver home page How install a RedHat 6.0 on a old Compaq ProLiant 2000 ( or 1000 ) by Jean Philippe

This is not a Compaq sponsored document. This document is provided “as is” and neither I nor Compaq can be held liable for any results of using this documentation. I have put forth every effort to make sure that this document is as complete and as correct as possible.

If you have any changes / corrections to this document, then please comment below. As I make updates to this document I will be updating the above home page with the newer revisions of this document.


12-08-2000 Did lots of cleanup, whole doc was underlined. This needed it a long time ago but no time available. Removed most all tables from the document, removed a lot of html tags I didn’t like. Updated some of the info, converted all instances of UnixWare7 to UnixWare2. Modified some rh60 specific entries.

03-27-2000 Added link to new home for cpqarray web site. Driver has been turned over from Chris Frantz to Compaq’s Storage Products Division.

01-12-2000 Changed wording on link from “NASA Linux Network Drivers” to “Linux Network Drivers (hosted by NASA)”

11-12-1999 Added info about “How install a RedHat 6.0 on a old Compaq ProLiant 2000 ( or 1000 ) by Jean Philippe” link to this document.

10-28-1999 Changed mem=960M to “linux mem=960M”

10-25-1999 Added 2 more links in the support section for NASA Linux Network Drivers and for NCR53c710 SCSI driver home page.

10-20-1999 Document cleanup.

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