Oreo on Samsung Galaxy 4 tablet

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  • #52719
    Linux User

    I have a Samsung Galaxy 4 Tablet SM-T33O NU  v. 4.4.2. Will it take the  Android 8.0 OREO or any equivalent? Which lineage OS Rom? Lineage OS 15 or other? Where to download? I also need instructions about how to install.

    Do I need any other preliminary download to prep the tablet before installing   OREO? Where and how?

    My tablet is already rooted. Which way is better: download on P.C. and then transfer to Android, or directly on and from  the Android tablet?

    Can you refer me to a good, simple, step-by-step guide?  Video guides tend to be confusing.

    I am very familiar with computers but I am totally new ( and somewhat confused!) on this issue.

    The reason why I want to install Oreo (or any equivalent and possibly simpler equivalent ) is to have the multitasking dual screen feature, allowing me to work on two (READING ) apps at the same time because I am working bilingual texts ( Greek-English) face to face. Unfortunately, I tried some dual-text apps, but they don’t work very well.






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