A web browser is one of the most common applications it is used for accessing web pages, downloading files from the internet, streaming videos and audios online.
Safari is a popular web browser which is developed by Apple. Officially Apple doesn’t release it for the Linux platform but if you want to try it on your Ubuntu system then you can install it by installing Wine.
So today we will discuss different ways in which you can install the Safari web browser in a Ubuntu system.
Installing Wine
The Wine is a free and open-source compatibility layer that allows a Windows application to run in Linux. It translates Windows system calls to POSIX compliant system calls. There is no code emulation or virtualization occurring while running a Windows application under Wine.
To install Wine on your system first open your terminal and enable 32-bit architecture –
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Next download the Wine’s repository key for installing the latest version of Wine –
wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
Now, add the repository key to your system –
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
Add the repository to your system ( Ubuntu 20.04, Linux Mint 20.x ) –
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ focal main'
Now, update your system and install the latest stable version of Wine by using the given commands –
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
This will install the latest version of Wine on your system. You can verify the installation by checking its version –
wine --version
Installing Safari using Wine
Once the Wine gets installed download the Safari installation setup for Windows and install it on Linux using Wine.
Use the following command to download the Safari for windows –
wget http://appldnld.apple.com/Safari5/041-5487.20120509.INU8B/SafariSetup.exe
Next, run the following command to install Safari in Ubuntu –
wine SafariSetup.exe
At this point, you may be prompted to download some additional software, such as Mono or Gecko. If prompted, click “Install” and wait while packages get downloaded and installed.
Now safari installer should be launched, click on next to install it.
Once it gets installed it will be started automatically. Now you can start browsing using Safari web browser.
Ok, so I hope you understand how to install and use the safari web browser in Ubuntu. Now if you have a query then write us in the comments below.
how can i remove the safari