How to install and use PowerShell in Ubuntu?

PowerShell is a command-line shell and a scripting language that is used for task automation and configuration management. It is a cross-platform tool developed by Microsoft.

The administrative tasks are performed using cmdlets (or command-lets) which are specialized .NET classes implemented to perform specific operations.

In this article, we will discuss how to install and use PowerShell in Ubuntu Linux.


To install a package in a Ubuntu system you should have access to a user account with superuser privileges.

How to install PowerShell in Ubuntu

The PowerShell can be installed on a system by adding its repository. Now follow the given steps for installing Powershell on a Ubuntu system.

Before you install PowerShell make sure the apt package repository is updated –

sudo apt update

Use the following command to install some prerequisite packages –

sudo apt install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common

Now use the given command to download Microsoft repository GPG keys –

wget -q

Once the package is downloaded install it by using –

sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Refresh the apt repository by running –

sudo apt update

Finally, use the given command to install PowerShell on your system –

sudo apt install -y powershell

You can verify the installation by using –

pwsh --version

powershell version

Using PowerShell on Ubuntu

Once the package is installed successfully you can start PowerShell by executing the given command –



You can use the given command to list all the items in your current working directory.


ls command

You can use the cd command to navigate through directories –

cd command

By typing the given command will display the history of commands run on PowerShell –



You can use the given command to exit from PowerShell –



If you want to know more you can see the complete list of commands here.

How to remove PowerShell from Ubuntu

To remove PowerShell from Ubuntu you can use –

sudo apt remove powershell

press y and then enter if it asks for your confirmation.

Use the given command to remove any unused dependencies –

sudo apt autoremove


I hope you have successfully installed PowerShell on your system. Now if you have a query then write us in the comments below.

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