How to install Mailpile in Ubuntu?

Gaming Laptop Series

Mailpile is a free and open-source email client which mainly focuses on privacy and usability. Unlike other desktop applications, it opens with a web browser as a local website.

It is designed to be fast and responsive and comes with a lot of features.

In this article, I will discuss how to install and use the Mailpile email client in Ubuntu.

Features of Mailpile

The key features of Mailpile are –

  • Free and opensource
  • Fast search and tagging
  • It is fast and responsive
  • Privacy-focused
  • Open PGP signature and encryption of emails
  • No advertisements
  • Self-hosted on your computer

How to install Mailpile in Ubuntu

To install Mailpile on Ubuntu you need to add the Mailpile Debian repository to your system. Now follow the given steps to install Mailpile on your Ubuntu system.

First, use the following command to add the required dependencies –

sudo apt install curl apt-transport-https gnupg

Press y and then enter when it asks for your confirmation.

Next, use the given command to download and add the package signing keys to your system –

curl -s |sudo apt-key add -

Now add the Mailpile debian repository by using –

echo "deb release main" |sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/000-mailpile.list

Refresh the apt package repository by using –

sudo apt update

Finally, use one of the given commands to install Mailpile –

Mailpile without Apache2 integration –

sudo apt install mailpile

Mailpile with Apache2 integration –

sudo apt install mailpile-apache2

Press y and then enter if it asks for your confirmation.

Alternatively, you can install and configure Mailpile from its source for this you can follow the official documentation of Mailpile.

How to start Mailpile

To start the Mailpile use the following command in your terminal –


This will open the Mailpile in your default browser.

OR use the given URL in your browser –


How to remove Mailpile from Ubuntu

Use the following command to remove Mailpile from your system.

sudo apt remove mailpile -y

Now remove any dependent packages by using –

sudo apt autoremove


So now I hope you have successfully set up Mailpile on your system. In case, you have any query then write us in the comments below.

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