Anaconda is a package manager, environment manager, and distribution of Python and R programming languages for data science, machine learning, predictive analysis, large-scale data processing, etc.
It comes with over 250 automatically installed and more than 7500 packages can be installed from PyPI and conda. Conda is a package manager using which package versions in Anaconda are managed.
In this article, I will discuss how to install and use Anaconda in Fedora Linux.
You should have access to a user account with superuser privileges.
Download the Anaconda installation script
We will install Anaconda on Fedora using the installation script. To download it first go to the downloads page of Anaconda’s website. Now click on Download as given in the image below.
Alternatively, you can use the given command to download Anaconda to your terminal.
Optionally you can verify the data integrity of the installer by using –
This will display output something like given in the image below.
This checksum should match with the sha256sum hash code given on the download page of the Anaconda installer.
How to install Anaconda on Fedora
After downloading the Anaconda script follow the below steps to install it.
Set the execute permission on the downloaded script.
chmod +x
Run the script by using –
Press enter to continue, this will display the license agreement.
Scroll using the enter key and finally accept the license agreement by typing yes and pressing enter.
Press enter to confirm the installation location.
Finally, when anaconda is installed you will get a successful installation message on your screen.
Activate the anaconda environment by using –
source ~/.bashrc
Now your prompt will changed shell with a prefix (base).
You can verify the Anaconda installation by using –
conda list
You can easily update Anaconda and packages by running –
conda update --all
To know more about Anaconda read its official documentation.
So you have successfully installed Anaconda on your Fedora system.
Now if you have a query or feedback then write us in the comments below.