How to Install ADB Fastboot on Linux

Gaming Laptop Series

ADB and Fastboot are the basic utilities if you want to ROOT, Unlock bootloader or install a custom Recovery like TWRP on any Android device. So, if you are a developer or you want to learn how you can get most out of your Android as a Developer or an advanced user then you must need ADB and Fastboot which are the basic building blocks for your Android.

Here is 15 Seconds ADB Installer or Minimal ADB and Fastboot for Windows if you are not comfortable with Linux or MAC.

Here I have brought you an Easy to Install ADB and Fasboot on Linux and MAC OS X. Just one command execution to install ADB and Fastboot on Linux and MAC. The scripts are provided in the DOWNLOADS section followed by the Step By Step ADB & Fastboot Installation Guide for Linux and MAC.

ADB Fastboot Installation on Linux and MAC



Step By Step Guide

How to Install ADB and Fastboot on Linux

  1. Download and extract the to a directory.
  2. Go to the downloaded directory and then enter into Android directory where all the scripts are kept.
  3. Execute the following command on a console or Terminal with ROOT privilege on your Linux machine:
    # sh

    Or enter the absoulute path to the script to execute:

    # sh /path/to/install/script/

    NOTE: This command will move the ADB and Fastboot binaries to /usr/bin location and move the Android udev rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d/ location also this script will install JDK if it is not installed.

  4. Exit from the command console and the open a new command console to use ADB and fastboot.

How to Install ADB & Fastboot on MAC

  1. Download and extract the to a directory.
  2. Go to the downloaded directory and then enter into Android directory where all the scripts are kept.
  3. Execute the following command on the Terminal with ROOT privilege on your MAC OS:
    # sh

    Or enter the absoulute path to the script to execute:

    # sh /path/to/install/script/
  4. Exit from the command console and the open a new command console to use ADB and fastboot.

MAC supports drag-n-drop of the command script to execute the command and some Linux distros also support the same. So, to execute the script just drag the script from a file explorer window and then drop it on an Terminal Window.

ADB and Fastboot is now installed on your machine. If you have any concerns or doubt then login and leave a reply and you will be replied back instantly.

2 thoughts on “How to Install ADB Fastboot on Linux”

    • That might be a bit harsh, but certainly they could be improved.
      I suspect the writer is very good at what she does, but has not really thought the process through from someone else’s perspective. Esp one who may not have the same tech expertise.

      As an example, warnings tips etc should really come BEFORE the instruction, as human nature tends not to read instructions first, but “follow along.”

      Perhaps writing everything down first, paper or e doc would have made the process clearer – shown up obvious errors and confusion. EG: separating the instructions for installing just the 2 utilities as against the full download from tools.


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