How To Check System Hardware Information In FreeBSD?

Gaming Laptop Series

A computer system is consists of different types of hardware such as processor, RAM, hard disk, network cards, etc. FreeBSD provides various tools such as uname, dmesg, sysctl, etc to check the details of these hardware parts.

This article explains to display hardware information using different commands in FreeBSD.

Display hardware information using CLI

All the commands discussed here are used in the terminal to determine the hardware information of a system.

How to use uname to determine the processor and OS related information

To determine the processor architecture use the following command in your terminal –

uname -p

Display the operating system used with –

uname -s

Find the version level of this release of the OS –

uname -v

You can display all the above information in a single command –

uname -a


uname -psv

How to find which version of OS, 32 or 64 bit you are using

You can use the following command to find which version 32 or 64 bit of operating system you are using.

getconf LONG_BIT

How to use dmesg to determine the CPU and RAM related information

The dmesg command displays the content of the system message buffer. It is read from the current running kernel via the sysctl interface.

Find CPU info such as speed, cores, etc by using-

dmesg | grep CPU

Determine the available memory (RAM) and real memory by using –

dmesg | grep memory

Display other system info using dmesg command –

dmesg | less

You can check the information displayed by the above command by scrolling up and down.

How to check the info about PCI buses in FreeBSD

You can check the information about PCI buses and devices using the following command –

pciconf -vl

How to check system hardware info using dmidecode

The dmidecode or DMI table decoder is the tool that decodes DMI table data into a human-readable format. This table contains the info of the system’s hardware component, serial number, and bios revisions, etc.

To see the details of processor use –

dmidecode -t processor

Find info about memory(RAM) use –

dmidecode -t memory

To check the details of BIOS use –

dmidecode -t bios

To know more about dmidecode and options that can be used with it, use –

man dmidecode

This will display detailed information on dmidecode utility.

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