How to Unlock bootloader on Motorola Phone – Step by Step guide

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  • #76261
    Linux User


    Well same problem here, i get this message (Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking)

    It’s a moto e5 play from verizon, so at first i tried with all my data in the phone then i’ve factory reset it and  finally I’ve removed sim card

    here is the command line

    PS C:\adb> fastboot oem get_unlock_data

    (bootloader) Unlock data:
    (bootloader) 3XXXXXXXXXXXX42#
    (bootloader) 5AXXXXXXXXXXX4E58006D6F746F2065350000#
    (bootloader) 588XXXXXXXXX73162E6F69DB2F5CC43DA96D44#
    (bootloader) 9XXXXXXXXXXX000000000000000000

    ( i didn’t provide my real digits in this post)

    also i couldn’t use the $ symbol (<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>$</span> fastboot oem get_unlock_data) or else i was getting an error so i removed it and then got these digits.

    anyone found a way to fix this?


    Can you tell what have you done (everything from start) to unlock the bootloader, so that I can help you in this regard.



    Have you tried all the above mentioned things to disable or remove before unlocking bootloader on your Moto E4?

    Linux User

    I pasted the output code of my device(9900051141664250#5A58314634323538475600585431323534000000#C83E955C72F11E25F9235D87D5321789E4C1686A#97207300110000000000000000000000) on motorola website and it says that my device isn’t qualified for unlock.

    My device’s network goes off again and again and also the imei. Thus I need to unlock the bootloader to install custom rom. I need to remove this problem.

    Please help

    Linux User

    Ive done everything except for clearing the data. I cant find any Motorola ID in settings. I guess I will have to try wiping it.



    Is the verizon Moto E5 Play allowed to unlock the bootloader?
    I will do a quick research and get back to you.

    Linux User

    My device also says it isnt qualified. Because you tried to fix this problem before im guessng there is a way out. Im trying to unlock a MotoE4 and i flipped the “OEM Unlock” switch that supposedly allows bootloader to be unlocked. any fixes?

    Linux User

    galera boa noite estou a dois dias tentando intalar o lineage os 15.1, ate ai blz porem meu celular não quer desbloquear o bootload, ja fui nas configurações de programador e ativei pra poder editar a OEM e o modo de depuração usb, sigo o tutorial certinho, tentei o moto auto flash tool, o sp_flash de voces tambem porem nada faz parar de aparecer esta mensagem ai quando ponhar o TWRP

    FAILED (remote: not allowed in locked state)

    Me ajudem por favor se possivel que um me aconpanhe durant o processo pra sabeer se estou fazendo certo, ja olhei de tudo tentei seguir todo tipo de tutorial possivel aqui meu celular e um moto c plus xt1726 1+8gb.

    Linux User

    I cleared the data and it still says it does not qualify for nlocking. Is it just imposible for my phone?

    Linux User

    From what I saw on other forums, amazon, verizon, (maybe others too) would have specific agreement with moto to lock their bootloader to prevent their exclusive add program or modifications to be undone.

    Could there be an other way to unlock the bootloader? or to instal twrp without the bootloader to be unlocked… i’ll post if i find something.

    btw thanks for caring siba.

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