Anybody out there successfully running Lineage OS 14.1 on their Sprint GS3?

GCam Port | Google Camera APK v9.6 (February 2025) Forums Samsung Device Forums Galaxy S3 Sprint – d2spr Anybody out there successfully running Lineage OS 14.1 on their Sprint GS3?

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  • #14273
    Linux User

    Going out on a limb here, posting in a heretofore empty forum. But I seem to be stuck and need some help please. Given that somebody is still updating the nightly for it, I assume that I’m not the only one still using this phone. Anyway, I’ve been able to root my phone and flash 14.1 (using the latest nightly as of this writing (i.e. Everything seems to work great, up until I try and flash GApps. Then things get squirrely. The farthest I’ve ever gotten is using It looked like everything was going to work. But then, when I tried to download Chrome from the Play Store, the Play Store app crashed and wouldn’t restart. I getting bummed out that I get this far, and then hit a wall. Can anybody please educate me on what I might be doing wrong?

    THANKS – mz

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