Shamim GCam 8.2 Mod

This is a GCam port of base version 8.2.204 and build version Final V3 (latest) which is built by Shamim.

Build date: June 2021

Changelog of GCam 8.2.204 V3 by Shamim:

  • Fixed bugs on the display while processing photos
  • Added opmode session
  • Added individual FPS rate for video mode, front camera, 4k video
  • It would be able to record 24, 30, 60fps and cinematic wide video at 30, 60fps
  • Fix the front camera for the 4xl Pixel selection in the Device Interface option

Supported devices:

  • many

Other Google Camera Downloads:

  • Version
  • Download 254
  • File Size 67.99 MB
  • Create Date May 25, 2024

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