BiTGApps for Android 10 – Download

BiTGApps for Android 10 is the minimal GApps variant available for any Android 10 based custom ROM.

BiTGApps is brought to you by TheHitMan. If you like his work, then you can consider donation to him.

Pure AOSP or LineageOS 17 or any Android 10 custom ROM does not contain any Google proprietary apps due to copyright reasons.

GApps is an external package os apps basically Google Play Services and other Google apps which can be flashed through a custom recovery such as TWRP.

BiTGApps supported for:

  • Android 10
  • ARM architecture
  • Both A-only and AB partition type device
  • Supports both SAR and Non SAR type installation

Google Apps found on this Android 10 BiTGApps:

  • GoogleContactsSyncAdapter
  • GoogleExtShared
  • LocationHistoryPrebuilt
  • MarkupGoogle
  • AndroidPlatformServices
  • ConfigUpdater
  • GoogleExtServicesPrebuilt
  • GoogleServicesFramework
  • Phonesky (Playstore)
  • PrebuiltGmsCoreQt (GooglePlayService)

Many users have reported that this Android 10 GApps does not work for them. For a wide collection, visit the following Android 10 GApps download page.

  • Version
  • Download 3594
  • File Size 79.40 MB
  • Create Date May 25, 2024

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