Moto G turbo hardbricked

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  • #25695
    Linux User

    Need help. My moto g3 turbo hard-bricked after flashing stock rom and installing update. Tried blank flash methods through online. getting error as

    E:\downloads\blankflash2\blankflash2>.\qboot.exe blank-flash
    opening device: \\.\COM10
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    greeting device for command mode
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    identifying device
    …serial = 0x44A1912
    …chip-id = 0x90B
    …chip-rev = 0x0
    …sv-sbl = 0x0
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    finding files
    …programmer = programmer.mbn
    …singleimage = singleimage.bin
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    validating files
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    switching to download mode
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    greeting device for image downloading
    OKAY [ -0.000s]
    sending programmer
    Unexpected packet: 4. Was expecting: 3
    FAILED (blank-flash:sahara-transfer-image:send-image:unexpected packet)

    Press any key to continue . . .

    PLease help..

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