Unlock Motorola XOOM Bootloader

Here is how to unlock the bootloader of your Motorola XOOM.


Download the Android SDK Once it has downloaded, open SDK Manager and install platform-tools folder.
Download and install the Motorola USB drivers.

[su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]Warning: Unlocking your bootloader will factory reset the device, backup anything you want to keep before advancing.[/su_note]


  1. Open a command window in your platform-tools folder (or wherever you have adb and fastboot), by holding SHIFT and right click, select “Open command window here”.
  2. To make sure the drivers are installed correctly, type:
    adb devices
  3. Next, type:
    adb reboot bootloader
  4. Once the device turns off and boots into the bootloader, type:
    fastboot oem unlock
  5. Follow the onscreen directions on your XOOM.
  6. That’s it, your bootloader will now be unlocked.

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