Download LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro / X Lite

Gaming Laptop Series

LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro is now available from an unofficial build which is brought to you by developer karthick111. LineageOS 18 is the latest build which is based on the latest available Android 11 update.

This post explains how to install LineageOS 18 on Realme 3 Pro, in a step-by-step guide.

Donation to Developer(s)

LineageOS 18 development and porting is a volunteer based work! If you want this project keep going, please contribute to the developer(s) and the LineageOS project.
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LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro / X Lite

[su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]DISCLAIMER:
This is an initial build of LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro which has many BUGs. So, backup your current firmware to go back if something goes wrong![/su_note] [su_note note_color=”#D8F1C6″ text_color=”#769958″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]

Where to Download LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro / X Lite?

Below is the direct download link to the latest build of LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro
[CMDM-download id=123062] [/su_note]

Other Requirements to Install LineageOS 18 on Realme 3 Pro

To be able to install any Android 11 ROM build on the phone, it must have an unlocked bootloader and a compatible custom recovery installed.
So, to make it easier for you, we have included appropriate guides on how to unlock bootloader and install recovery in the below sections.

In addition, the custom ROMs usually lack any Google Apps like: Google Play, Google Maps, etc. out of the box. So, the post installation requiremnt is, GApps for Android 11.

Realme 3 Pro LineageOS 18 System Build Information (latest build)

I have verified the build for its legitimacy by extracting the system image. Below are the data what I have got, which clearly presents this to be a valid build of LineageOS 18 for Realme 3 Pro (codename: RMX1851): 11 RP1A.200720.009 102 release-keys Sep 18 14:07:54 UTC 2020 10 QKQ1.190918.001 1590390095 release-keys
[su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]

Known Issues

– Unknown

How to Update Realme 3 Pro / X Lite to LineageOS 18 (Android 11)?

To install LineageOS 18 on a phone, it must have a custom recovery, which in turn, requires an unlocked bootloader.
This is the reason the entire installation guide is divided into three parts as below:

  • Unlocking bootloader of Realme 3 Pro
  • Installing Custom Recovery on the phone
  • Finally, installing LineageOS 18 ROM
  1. Unlock Bootloader on Realme 3 Pro

    Follow this guide to unlock bootloader on Realme 3 Pro. A step-by step guide that explains how to unlock bootloader of Realme 3 Pro.

    [su_note note_color=”#FBF4DD” text_color=”#A38C68″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]The bootloader must be unlocked on the phone before you can flash a custom recoery and the LineageOS 18 ROM![/su_note]
  2. Install custom recovery on Realme 3 Pro

    Custom recoveries are needed to flash any of these Android custom ROMs on Realme 3 Pro. Below is a list of step-by step guides that explains how to install custom recovery such as TWRP or OrangeFox recovery on Realme 3 Pro.

  3. Install LineageOS 18 on Realme 3 Pro

    1. Download the LineageOS 18 ROM for Realme 3 Pro and copy it into the phone or keep in the PC, if you intend to install it using ADB sideload.
    2. Enter into recovery mode (TWRP, Lineage or any other recovery) and then Wipe the data, Cache, System and clean Dalvik cache.
      – Make sure you don’t wipe or format Internal memory here. Otherwise you will lose all your phone data! [su_note note_color=”#F9D9D9″ text_color=”#AA4343″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]- This step will erase the current firmware and probably all the data stored in the phone. You can choose to keep a backup of all the files and the boot and system partition so that you can rollback if the new build doesn’t work properly.[/su_note]
    3. Install LineageOS 18 using TWRP recovery or any custom recovery of your choice
      Use ADB Sideload to install the LineageOS 18 on Realme 3 Pro.
      [su_note note_color=”#D7E3F4″ text_color=”#728095″ radius=”3″ class=”” id=””]You can use any one of the above mentioned method to install the zip file on the phone.[/su_note]
    4. Once done, reboot the phone to boot into LineageOS 18 on Realme 3 Pro which is based on Android 11.

Add-on Downloads

After installing the LineageOS 18 ROM you are good to go with the phone. But, there are few add-on packages that you can install to get the most out of your phone!

Below are some of the extra little things which you can install on top of the LineageOS 18 ROM on your Realme 3 Pro.


You can either follow this Android 11 Rooting guide or the Magisk rooting guide to enable root on Realme 3 Pro LineageOS 18 ROM.

Google Camera

Google Camera or shortened as GCam, usually brings better images on your existing camera setup.
Search a compatible Google Camera for your phone that may run on this LineageOS 18 ROM.

That’s all on updating Realme 3 Pro to Android 11 via LineageOS 18! If you face any issue, then you can comment below.
Also, visit the Realme 3 Pro (RMX1851) page to get other Android 11 ROMs or other device specific topics.

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