How to install Plex Media Server on Fedora Linux?

Gaming Laptop Series

Plex is a cross-platform global media streaming service and a media player based on the client-server model.

You can turn your system into a media server and can access and stream audio, video, and images stored on it to a device where the plex client is installed. It organizes the media from your system and online services such as iTunes, iPhoto, etc.

Today in this article, we will discuss how to install and configure the Plex media server on Fedora Linux.


To follow this guide you should have the following.

  • A system running a recent version of Fedora Linux
  • You should have access to a user account with superuser privileges.

How to install Plex media server on Fedora

First, go to the download page of the Plex media server on its official website click on Choose Distribution, and then Fedora(27+)/CentOS(7+)/SUSE(15+)-Intel/AMD 64-bit this will download the RPM package of Plex media server to your system.

plex media server download

OR use the given command in your terminal to download the Plex media RPM package –


Once the download is completed, use the following command to install the Plex media server to your Fedora system –

sudo dnf -y install Downloads/plexmediaserver-

In the above command replace the plex media server with the correct name that you have downloaded.

The Plex media server will start running automatically. You can check the status by using the given command.

sudo systemctl status plexmediaserver

install plex media server on fedora

If the Plex media server is not running on your system you can use the given command to start it.

sudo systemctl start plexmediaserver

You can enable it to start automatically when you restart your system by using the given command –

sudo systemctl enable plexmediaserver

Access Plex Media Server through web

Plex media server listens on ports 32400 and 32401. Here I am using localhost to demonstrate this setup you can use some other IP and configure your server.

You can use the given URL in your browser to access the plex media server.

This will open the page for authentication.

plex media server

Use your preferred way and log in to the server.

Configure Plex media server

Once you get logged in you need to configure a few things.

After login, on the first screen, it will ask you to enter the server name. Choose a friendly name so that it can easily be identified by plex apps and your network.

After choosing a name click on NEXT to move to the next screen.

plex media

Plex organizes media on your system into libraries. You can add as many as libraries you want it could be of the same type.

Click on ADD LIBRARY and select the media folder from your system to add it to a library.

plex library

Finally, finish the setup by clicking on the DONE. Next, it may ask you to customize the library if you don’t want to customize click on FINISH SETUP.


Access Plex media server using a plex client app

Plex client application is available for various platforms including Android, iOS, smart TV, Roku, Chromecast, and many others devices. You can visit the download page of the plex app on its official website.

Once it gets downloaded, sign in to the app using the same account you used to set up the Plex server on your Linux system.

Here you will be able to access all your libraries and media content from the Plex client application.


I hope you have successfully set up a plex media server on your Fedora system and now you are able to access media from other devices.

Now if you have a query or feedback then write us in the comments below.

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