“The Dragon of Chaos, Karlos, has created a continent named Eshivia, where the Lord of Light illuminates the earth and the Lord of Dark punishes the evil!”
[Heroes Conquest] is a hybrid game with a diverse gameplay experience that invites you to say bye to those complicated and time-consuming strategies.With the fall of Eshivia, the world has been divided into four countries. Since then, suspicions have been aroused and enmities bred among them—they are no longer allied. The beginning of a chaotic era, with war imminent, is in need of a new lord! Will you be the one?
Heroes Conquest’s Open Beta Test Registration now launched! Wield your sword like no others in the unprecedented gameplay! Make sure you join our official discord and tell us what you think so we can make it better.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EyouHeroesConquest
Email: support@eyougame.com